Life Span and the Environment College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2011 William Holmes 1
Growth rate slows Body proportions become more adult like Facial structure becomes less babyish Bone growth exceeds muscle growth Coordination gradually improves Skills emerge 2
Brain connections continue increasing Memory improves Attention sharpens Decision making more sophisticated Problem solving more complex Perceptions increase 3
Caloric needs decrease Less need for fats, sugars, and salt More need for complex carbohydrates Children make more choices Obesity risk factors may develop 4
School entrance screening Comparisons with classmates Teacher observations and assessment Need for least restrictive inclusion Need for least restrictve opportunities 5
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation 6
Determining problems Understanding problems Planning solutions Evaluating plans Carrying out plans Responding to Results 7
Facts observed better Systematic procedures adopted Perception of key relationships improves Sloppiness in knowledge acquisition declines 8
Rule learning Imitation Authority influences Observation of consequences Role modeling of firm reasonableness Differentiation of caring versus justice 9
Components versus process Richness of linguistic environment Role modeling Peer interaction Developmentally appropriate literature use 10
Actions Feelings Reflected images of self Imagined images of self Variable competencies 11
Choices seen as moral Choices seen as effective Greater use of strategies for regulation Impulsivity replaced by reflection Less egocentrism Weighing of delayed gratification 12
Play more in groups Reference standard more in groups Other perspectives perceived Relationships more reciprocal Friendships develop Schools foster interaction and group formation 13
Academic emphasis Teacher expectations Skillful use of rewards and punishments Comfortable classroom environment Insistence on student responsibility for their behavior 14
Inversely associated with mental ability Auditory retention occurs Implicit learning occurs Positively associated with violence and aggression Difficulty of parental regulation 15
Family isolation Family history Denial Belief in harsh punishment Unreasonable expectations Impulsivity Substance abuse 16
Easy temperament Special interest or talent Good problem solving skills Nurturing figure present Bonding with adults Experience with solving problems 17