MnCCECT Driving Value in a Changing World
“ Scarcely anything material or established which I was brought up to believe was permanent and vital, has lasted. Everything I was sure or taught to be sure was impossible, has happened.” Sir Winston Churchill
Building the Case for Change Declining economic conditions… Flood of red ink driving cutbacks and tough decisions Increasing enrollments and demands for new programs and services for students Demands for accountability and use of technology to expand access and reduce costs New opportunities, markets and global competitors The world is flat!
Because the economy will be substantially reinvented as the nation emerges from recession, the capacity to learn and competencies of the workforce at all levels must be reshaped. Minnesota will need to be ready. The Minnesota State College and Universities will initiate innovative efforts to leverage new and expand existing partnerships.
Changing World
The World is Flat Great synthesizers Great collaborators and orchestrators Great explainers Great leveragers Great adapters The Green people Passionate personalizers Math lovers Great localizers
Higher Education Value in a Changing World Invest in human capital Increase the value of Higher Education – Increase readiness cross P-16 – Decrease drop out rates – Decrease low graduation rates – Improve skilled workforce for existing businesses – Increase high quality teachers in STEM – Increase high quality graduates in STEM fields
We need a new roadmap…
21st Century Learning Competencies Critical thinking Collaboration and teamwork Leadership Initiative and entrepreneurialism Effective oral and written communication Accessing evaluating and analyzing information Creative thinking Real-life application of information
Workforce of the Future Plan Programs that reflect emerging skills identified by employers Experiential learning, online courses, and other flexible delivery options Need for innovative models of delivery Create shared regional faculty Expand internship and apprenticeship options and on-the-job training Promote career ladder opportunities for working adults Inventory and share best practices, develop policies to support new model Expand advisory boards Integrate CT/CE student numbers and success stories into college metrics CE/CT organizational improvement projects – Online registration and payment – pilot – Communication action team
Learning, Career & Industry Competencies
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Rising from Recession and Positioning for Competitive Advantage
To ensure Minnesota’s competitive advantage in the post-recession economy, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities will commit to the following:
Build upon and build partnerships, connections and collaborations Dramatically improving access, affordability, and success for Minnesota’s rich demographic cross-sections of learners and workers Dramatically reach into K-12 to develop pathways, joint enrollment and active learning and competence demonstration experiences Create new organizational and delivery models Add emerging Web 2.0 tools for collaboration and knowledge sharing for careers with a future Provide feedback mechanisms, analytics, and forecasting processes that can model successful career paths, detect competence gaps, speed up competence development even for low-skilled workers and their employers, raise the alert to new challenges, and project developmental needs.
Transformation Disruption New Organizational Models & Delivery Strategic Road Map Partnerships Communications & Relationships