Metaphors Objective: Define Metaphors and Identify Examples of Metaphors and Their Meanings.
What are Metaphors? A metaphor compares two things without using like or as. How is this different from a simile?
I am a pig. I eat all of the time. Examples of Metaphors I am a pig. I eat all of the time. What two things are being compared? What does this metaphor mean?
My room is a pig pen. I have clothes everywhere. What two things are being compared? What does the metaphor mean?
Walter is a couch potato. He doesn’t move all day. What two things are being described? What does the metaphor mean?
Jeff was a volcano after hearing his brother broke his favorite toy. What two things are being compared? What does the metaphor mean?
John is a giant in his class. What two things are being compared? What does the metaphor mean?
Create one metaphor with your group. 1. Think of two objects to compare and write them in a sentence. Metaphor- compares two things without using like or as.