Math 10 Research Project: Rene Descartes Use the fact sheet provided to get 20-30 facts Look up information on his Early life interests Math studies Contributions to our knowledge Interesting facts Use the template and exemplar to create a facebook profile for your mathematician Consult the marking scheme before submitting via e-mail and assess your work.
[Name of mathematician] facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes [Name of mathematician] Logout [Name of mathematician] is [find a fact that relates to his daily activities] Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of [name] (7) [Name] is [write something that tells more about everyday life… work a cool fact in here] Date Send [name]a message Poke message [Friend #1 to descartes] [write something that this “friend” might say to him] Date Information Networks: Birthday: [Friend name] Another fact disguised as a comment Date [Friend name] Another fact disguised as a comment Date Friends [Friend name] Another fact disguised as a comment Date [Friend name] Another fact disguised as a comment Date Choose “friends” which show what he did in his professional, academic and personal life 2
[Name of Mathematician] facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes [Name of Mathematician] Logout [Name of mathematician] is [find a fact that relates to his daily activities] Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: [create a network based on your facts] Birthday: Hometown: Relationship Status: View photos of [name](7) Send [name]a message Poke message Personal Information Information Networks: Birthday: Photos 2 Albums Album name Updated last Tuesday Contact Information Address: Album name Updated two months ago 3
[Name of Mathematician] facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes [Name of Mathematician] Logout [Name of mathematician] is [find a fact that relates to his daily activities] Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of [Name] 7 Photos [Name’s] Albums 2 Albums 5 photos Album name 5 photos Album name 1 photo Profile Pictures 4
Component Criteria Marking scheme Point value Value: /100 Fact Sheet At least 20 facts… Minimum 3 about early life Minimum 3 about his studies in math and other areas Minimum 2 about his CONTRIBUTIONS to math Minimum 2 facts related to the CARTESIAN COORDINATE system /30 Info Page All fields complete… minimum 10 facts on this page /10 Wall page friends At least 5 “friends” which are relevant to the mathematician’s life, including appropriate images Wall page comments At least 5 comments which provide information about the mathematician Photo page At least 10 images total, including 2 album names which allude to information from the info page /12 Communication skills Spelling, grammar (some “text talk is fine”, but don’t shorthand the level-appropriate vocabulary words) Personal Development/Citizenship Effective use of class time, respect for equipment, deadline met, no troubles opening the attachment when submitted by e-mail, appropriate filename and subject line (first and last names and name of assignment)… zero for lates! Self-Assessment Fill in this mark scheme for yourself, including the total below. /8 Value: /100