BY: MATTHEW MAHFOOD The Effects of Global Contact
The Columbian Exchange In 1493, Columbus made his way back to spain and brought species of plant and animals that he had found in the Americas. By bringing things back and forth from the Americas to Spain and trading them, he had invented the Columbus Trade. He also bought back crops such as tomatoes and peppers that were not found in Spain. Columbus brought corn to Spain and it became popular which then made it spread throughout Europe.
The Columbus exchange influenced many people to migrate to the Americas. This was good and bad. It meant that People could develop the land while Columbus was not there, but it also meant that they could bring crops and exotic fruits back which would then ruin the business of the Columbus trade.
The Commercial Revolution The time in history when the inflation started, began the price revolution. The was a growth of capitalism because of the expansion of trade. The people who made capitalism successful were Entrepreneurs who were door to door salesmen. As trade increased, the Entrepreneur's went overseas and sold their wares to foreigners.
Mercantilism Arises The European Monarchs were pleased with the outcome of the commercial revolution. To strengthen their own economy, they used a new policy called mercantilism. People believed that gold and silver was the way the countries’ economy was measured. The rule that mercantilists came up with is that the country must export the goods that it imports. They would export them to colonies who could not find any of that product and who other countries did not trade with often.