DATBED Program
Accomplishment for CY 2014 Performance IndicatorTargetsAccomplishedPercentage No. proposals received/ evaluated % No. of implementing plan received/ evaluated % No. of projects approved 99100% Amount of invesment 800,000175,49322% No. of student beneficiaries % No. of schools oriented % No. of schools accredited 88100% No. of projects monitored % Amount recovered from investment 81,94038,20047% Technical advisory services rendered % Number of projects completed -3100% As of 30 November 2014
Facts and figures Note: Based on the accomplishment reports from 2012 to 2014
Targets for CY 2015 Performance Indicator AccomplishmentTarget No. proposals received/ evaluated No. of implementing plan received/ evaluated 2914 No. of projects approved Amount of invesment 609, ,052175,493800,000 No. of student beneficiaries No. of schools oriented No. of schools accredited 6888 No. of projects monitored Amount recovered from investment 188, , ,20081,940
Issues and challenges IssuesStrategies School officials and faculties present during the orientation are no longer connected to the school. Sudden changes in the DATBED coordinator. Discuss the DATBED Program with the new management. If possible, conduct re-orientation on the school.
Issues and challenges IssuesStrategies School is busy with academic requirements and other school activities thus, they cannot submit documentary requirements. - Continous follow-up (letter, e- mail and phone calls) for the submission of documents. - Assist the academic institutions in the preparation of the requirements by providing them the implementing plan and proposal format.
Issues and challenges IssuesStrategies Several government and non- governmental organizations also offer trainings and financial assistance for students’ enterprise projects. (e.g. DTI, DOLE, Shell Foundation Inc.) Pro-active in the promotion of the program.
Issues and challenges IssuesStrategies Approved projects are required to sign the MOA in TAPI. Some schools do not have sufficient travelling allowance to comply with TAPI’s MOA signing. TAPI to visit the school for MOA signing.
Issues and challenges IssuesStrategies - Policy in the assistance coverage for ICT and engineering projects under the program. - In school’s setting, students are not allowed to use school computers and other ICT equipment for their project to prevent malwares and virus in the school ICT facilities. Thus, students are left with no choice but to use their own laptops and software. School ICT facilities are mainly used for teaching purposes only. Include software development, testing and debugging in the assistance coverage.
Activities Meetings with the college deans and R&D directors Participated in the business project competition and encouraged the winners to apply in the program Conducted school orientation and inspection of school facilities Conducted project visit/ monitoring
Something to talk about... Funds were granted to the school – Cabugcayan National School Arts and Trades (CNSAT) – P47, – Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) – Siniloan – P250,000 – Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) – P508,710
Plans for 2014 Continue to promote the program in the regions by providing them copies of the new program guidelines. Call for proposals to DATBED accredited schools under the program. Schools scheduled for end-of-program assessment will also be encouraged to submit project proposals under Stage II.
Plans for 2014 Promote the program to engineering and ICT schools Create a new DATBED modality for the Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) Conceptualize DATBED competition for schools with exemplary performance to encourage other schools to implement the DATBED Program.