EUROSTAT REPORT ON DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES 1st Quarter 2004 Dissemination Working Group April 2004 Christine Kormann
Accomplishments Dissemination policy Launch of the 1000 tables and PDF publications free online 6/01/04, together with a promotion campaign1000 tables hits on the 1000 tables Approval of the new dissemination strategy by Eurostat Board by the SPC (12/02/04). Risk analysis paper discussed in Board, confirmation of target date of 1st October 2004 by Board of 30/03/04.
Accomplishments Publications 22 titles from the Publications programmes were produced. 62 SIFs were published.22 titles Updated workflow for statistics in focus Checklist for call for tender for publications. Definition of a new look for Eurostat Yearbook Creation of templates for the easy internal production of fact sheets on Eurostat products and services.
Accomplishments Internet Installation in Eurostat of the internet site 3 prototype (30/03) Risk analysis site 3 was prepared. Tool used to manage navigation in 1000 tables and databases (CMT) was further developed and integrated External monitoring of the website and Newcronos 2 monthly internet newslettersnewsletters
Accomplishments Data Shop Network Support has answered to: 320 complex requests from Data Shops, 189 from the internet 150 from European institutions. Training was provided to staff of European Parliament. In the context of internalisation of work previously handled by Planistat (Data Shop Brussels and Luxembourg): 187 deliveries of New Cronos, Comext and Prime Up subscriptions. Invoices on Data Shop Royalties were prepared for Q3 and Q4/2003 22 copyright requests have been verified and replied.
Ongoing activities and events Preparation of the paper on transition period to free dissemination. Check for right to disseminate for individual statistical domains. Preparation of grant scheme Documentation of statistical domains: 20 New Cronos domains were analysed, according to different criteria, in particular their suitability for free dissemination. Priority domains and guidelines (SDDS) have been defined. Definition of the structure of the content of the internet site
Ongoing activities and events Migration site 2 to 3 : rules of migration agreed. Production of the Eurostat Yearbook 2004 Improvement of the contents and presentation of the Yearlies (1000 tables): translations to English and French were checked. Preparation (with OPOCE) of calls for tenders for the production of publications and information material. Production of templates for Statistical reference an Eurostat miniguide
Meetings and co-operation with partners Dissemination Working Group meeting was held 26/01/04, mainly focused on new dissemination strategy Participation to working group of the ECB 4 CODIF meetings on the implementation of the new dissemination strategy by Eurostat units. Coordination meetings where held with B2 (informatics) and B4 (databases) on the project “free dissemination”. Meetings with Publications Office, Translation service, Informatics directorate, DG Press, and individual producing units in Eurostat.
Important deadlines for next quarter (April/May) Dissemination Working Group (26/04/04), will mainly focus on the transition period to free dissemination Thematic structure of internet site to be agreed by the Board (April) Dissemination of the Yearlies (1000 tables) in French and German and extraction of data for the Yearbook : 10 /05 Launch of the call for proposal for user support (May)
Important deadlines for next quarter (June) Finalisation of the English manuscript of the Yearbook Preparation of 2005 publications programme All deliverables for internet site 3 expected Preparation of keywords for site 3 Cancellation of Data Shop and licence contracts Documentation in SDDS to be sent by producing unit Production of issue 1 of “Statistical Reference” newsletter