EUROSTAT REPORT ON DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES 1st Quarter 2004 Dissemination Working Group 28-29 April 2004 Christine Kormann.


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Presentation transcript:

EUROSTAT REPORT ON DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES 1st Quarter 2004 Dissemination Working Group April 2004 Christine Kormann

Accomplishments Dissemination policy  Launch of the 1000 tables and PDF publications free online 6/01/04, together with a promotion campaign1000 tables hits on the 1000 tables  Approval of the new dissemination strategy by Eurostat Board by the SPC (12/02/04).  Risk analysis paper discussed in Board, confirmation of target date of 1st October 2004 by Board of 30/03/04.

Accomplishments Publications  22 titles from the Publications programmes were produced. 62 SIFs were published.22 titles  Updated workflow for statistics in focus  Checklist for call for tender for publications.  Definition of a new look for Eurostat Yearbook  Creation of templates for the easy internal production of fact sheets on Eurostat products and services.

Accomplishments Internet  Installation in Eurostat of the internet site 3 prototype (30/03)  Risk analysis site 3 was prepared.  Tool used to manage navigation in 1000 tables and databases (CMT) was further developed and integrated  External monitoring of the website and Newcronos  2 monthly internet newslettersnewsletters

Accomplishments  Data Shop Network Support has answered to: 320 complex requests from Data Shops, 189 from the internet 150 from European institutions. Training was provided to staff of European Parliament.  In the context of internalisation of work previously handled by Planistat (Data Shop Brussels and Luxembourg): 187 deliveries of New Cronos, Comext and Prime Up subscriptions.  Invoices on Data Shop Royalties were prepared for Q3 and Q4/2003  22 copyright requests have been verified and replied.

Ongoing activities and events  Preparation of the paper on transition period to free dissemination.  Check for right to disseminate for individual statistical domains.  Preparation of grant scheme  Documentation of statistical domains: 20 New Cronos domains were analysed, according to different criteria, in particular their suitability for free dissemination. Priority domains and guidelines (SDDS) have been defined.  Definition of the structure of the content of the internet site

Ongoing activities and events  Migration site 2 to 3 : rules of migration agreed.  Production of the Eurostat Yearbook 2004  Improvement of the contents and presentation of the Yearlies (1000 tables): translations to English and French were checked.  Preparation (with OPOCE) of calls for tenders for the production of publications and information material.  Production of templates for Statistical reference an Eurostat miniguide

Meetings and co-operation with partners  Dissemination Working Group meeting was held 26/01/04, mainly focused on new dissemination strategy  Participation to working group of the ECB  4 CODIF meetings on the implementation of the new dissemination strategy by Eurostat units.  Coordination meetings where held with B2 (informatics) and B4 (databases) on the project “free dissemination”.  Meetings with Publications Office, Translation service, Informatics directorate, DG Press, and individual producing units in Eurostat.

Important deadlines for next quarter (April/May)  Dissemination Working Group (26/04/04), will mainly focus on the transition period to free dissemination  Thematic structure of internet site to be agreed by the Board (April)  Dissemination of the Yearlies (1000 tables) in French and German and extraction of data for the Yearbook : 10 /05  Launch of the call for proposal for user support (May)

Important deadlines for next quarter (June)  Finalisation of the English manuscript of the Yearbook  Preparation of 2005 publications programme  All deliverables for internet site 3 expected  Preparation of keywords for site 3  Cancellation of Data Shop and licence contracts  Documentation in SDDS to be sent by producing unit  Production of issue 1 of “Statistical Reference” newsletter