In the Heart of the Family
Family All people are born into families Loving one’s family is natural obligation We should do it, even if we had never heard the Commandment Families support us Husband + wife = marriage Husband + wife + children = family Children are an extension of the love of spouses Parents learn what love is from the family Get their idea of God and His love from us by looking at their parents
4 th Commandment “Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you” Exodus 20:12 Command: Honor your father and mother Promise: That your days may be long Only commandment with a promise attached
Familial Responsibilities Parents: Take care of children Children: Honor parents Honor = Respect and love Obey our parents Honoring parents extends to honoring proper authority as well
Relationship b/w Parents and Children We might see weaknesses in our parents Should honor them anyway Pray for our parents Relationship between parents and children changes over time They take care of us when we are young We have to obey everything they say We take care of them when they are old We should still respect everything they say Take their advice into consideration
Familiaris Consortio “The Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World” Papal Encyclical Letter of Pope to the Bishops and the Church Written by Pope John Paul II Strong families are the main way of helping society to survive and thrive Many forces in society today are threatening the family There needs to be love in the family Example of the Holy Family can help us