Acute General Surgery 8/30-9/5 Barbara Adams Tori Whitlow Andrew Tracey
DATEATT/RESPATIENTDIAGNOSISPROCEDURE 8/30 Anand Kim Perirectal abscessIncision and drainage of abscess 8/30 Anand Rosati SBOExlap, lysis of adhesions 8/31 Jayaraman Newton Palmer Perianal pain with h/o perirectal abscesses EUA 8/31 Jayaraman Newton Acute appendicitisLaparoscopic appendectomy 9/1 Aboutanos Adams Perforated sigmoid colonSigmoidectomy, AbThera 9/1 Aboutanos Newton Abdominal compartment syndrome Decompressive laparotomy, mallencot placement in transverse colon 9/1 Aboutanos Newton Right thigh abscessI&D right thigh abscess 9/2 Jayaraman Tracey Buttock abscess
DATEATT/RESPATIENTDIAGNOSISPROCEDURE 9/2 Jayaraman Whitlow Acute cholecystitis Laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy 9/2 Goldberg Newton Perirectal abscess Incision & Drainage perirectal abscess 9/3 Jayaraman Uchiyama Whitlow Transfer with abdominal compartment syndrome, intraabdominal hemorrhage after colonoscopic perforation Exlap, control hemorrhage from short gastrics and splenic vein, distal pancreatectomy, ABThera 9/3 Jayaraman Tracey Right inguinal lymphadenopathy Excisional biopsy lymph nodes 9/3 Jayaraman Whitlow Open abdomen after ACSWashout, skin closure 9/3 Jayaraman Shah Open abdomen, perforated sigmoid Washout, colostomy 9/4 Ferrada Nigro Squamous cell hypopharynxOpen gastrostomy tube
DATEATT/RESPATIENTDIAGNOSISPROCEDURE 9/4 Anand Newton Buttock abscess Incision and drainage buttock abscess 9/4 Jayaraman Adams Dysphagia s/p CVAPEG 9/4 Ferrada Newton Necrotizing fasciitis perineum Debridement perineum 9/5 Anand Newton Hemoperitoneum s/p percutaneous liver bx Exlap, evacuation hemoperitoneum 9/5 Ferrada Adams Right groin hidradenitisWide excision groin hidradenitis 9/5 Ferrada Whitlow Necrotizing fasciitis perineum Washout/Debridement perineum
Complications Attending/ Resident DATEPATIENTDx/PROCEDURECOMPLICATION Jayaraman Uchiyama Whitlow 9/3 ACS, colonoscopic perforation Exlap, control hemorrhage from short gastrics and splenic vein, distal pancreatectomy, ABThera Death Anand Shah 9/5 8/1 Lap cholePE