Founding Fathers Presentation All of you have been assigned a Founding Father to research: You must answer the following questions in your presentation: 1.Who was he, where was he from, what did he do? 2.What ideas or beliefs did he have? 3.How did he contribute to the founding of America? 4.What legacy did he leave behind? Your presentation is oral only, and should last no more than 4 minutes.
Grading You will receive 3 different grades for your oral exam: 1.Presentation Quality: How well was the information organized and put together? Does the information answer the topic questions? 2.Oral Presenation: Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Fluency 3.Application of the PSP: This Trimester´s PSP is ¨Using an Outline¨
Use of an Outline An outline is a general plan of the material used in a written work or presentation Put main points or subjects on the first row, and indent smaller supporting details below. Outlines should not be whole sentences, but rather short reminders of what you want to say. You must prepare an outline for your oral exam and turn it into me printed!