Iris Young Inclusion and Democracy
Iris Young Professor of Political Science at University of Chicago Critical and Feminist Perspectives Written a variety of books
What is inclusive democracy? Inclusive democracy is likely to promote the most just results because people aim to persuade each other of the justice and wisdom of their claims and are open to having opinions and are allowed to change (transform) during the process.
Democracy Is a tool for combating injustice This model allows different groups from different social segments to struggle and engage with one another without putting their differences aside.
Democracy and Justice You answer to others Everyone is mutually committed Each group is open and willing to transform their interests to align with justice
Ideals of Social Justice Self Development Self Determination
Issues with Deliberative Democracy Assumes unlimited time to make decisions. Privileges argument. Privileges unity. Assumes face-to-face discussion. Assumes norm of order.
Discussion How do Young’s issues/problems with deliberative democracy with Fraser’s ideals of participation parity, social equality, and common good? How could Young’s interpretations of inclusive democracy change education?