Distributions: The nature or shape of the data within its range. File Information: 7 Slides To Print : You may need to save this to your p: drive or jump drive before printing.Set PRINT WHAT to Handouts. Under HANDOUTS select the number of slides per page. A sample of the layout on a page appears to the right. To change the orientation of the printing, select the PREVIEW button (lower left) and then the Orientation option on the Print Preview menu.
Essentials: Distribution Shapes (Lots of them, but we will focus on three main types.) Be able to explain what constitutes a distribution. Be able to identify Left, Right and Normal distributions (and a Uniform distribution). Be able to determine if a distribution is normally distributed or skewed through use of a formula or computer software and, be able to interpret the results of this process.
Distributions can occur in a number of shapes including: Symmetric – a distribution is symmetric if the left half of the distribution is roughly a mirror image of its right half. Skewed – a distribution is skewed if it is not symmetric and if it extends more to one side than the other
The Shape of Distributions Larson/Farber 4th ed.4 Symmetric Distribution A vertical line can be drawn through the middle of a graph of the distribution and the resulting halves are approximately mirror images.
The Shape of Distributions Larson/Farber 4th ed.5 Skewed Left Distribution (negatively skewed) The “tail” of the graph elongates more to the left. The mean is to the left of the median. Skewed Right Distribution (positively skewed) The “tail” of the graph elongates more to the right. The mean is to the right of the median.
The Shape of Distributions Larson/Farber 4th ed.6 Uniform Distribution (rectangular) All entries or classes in the distribution have equal or approximately equal frequencies. Symmetric.
SKEWED LEFT (negatively ) SKEWED RIGHT (positively) Mode = Mean = Median SYMMETRIC Mean Mode Median Mean Mode Median Symmetry Symmetry – a distribution is symmetric if the left half of the distribution is roughly a mirror image of its right half. Skewness – a distribution is skewed if it is not symmetric and if it extends more to one side than the other