Chapter 18 Quality Control Quality Assurance is a JCAHO required 10 step PEOPLE process Quality Control Is an imaging instrumentation and equipment process
QC – 3 step process Acceptance testing Routine performance monitoring Maintenance
Radiography QC Filtration - Annually Collimation – Semiannually (+/- 2% SID) F.S. size – Annually (+/- 50%) FREQUENTLY MISSED PARAMETER! kVp calibration – Annually ( +/- 10%) Exp. Timer accuracy – Annually (based on ms used – more leeway with longer exposures) Linearity – Annually (+/- 10%) of same mAs with differing mA/times Exp. Reproducibility – Same contr./Dens., etc when exposures are repeated later on
Focal Spot Size Check Tools Pin hole camera (somewhat hard to use) Star pattern (down to .3 mm sizes) Slit camera – preferred method
Other RAD QC Filtration Collimation (PBL) kVp/Timer Exposure Linearity (same mAs with varied mA and times) Intensifying screens Protective apparel Film illuminators
Fluoro QC Exposure rate Spot-fil Exposures Automatic Exposure System (ABS – AEC)
Tomo QC Tube travel/ARC Fulcrum level Pt. Exposure
Processor QC See table 18-8 (p. 313) for QC for RAD Processor items/intervals Processor Maintenance Scheduled maintenance Preventative maintenance Nonscheduled maintenance
Processor Monitoring Temperatures Replenishment Sensitometry/Densitometry