Hunting all the Messier Objects Astrophotography with a $40 Web Cam James Maughan RVAS February 21, 2005
8” Dobsonian from Coulter Optics My Odyssey 8
Progress towards 110 Messier Objects
Long Exposure Photographs- Camera Only - 16 sec maximum exposure - f/ mm equivalent - manual focus
Iridium Flare (16 sec exposure)
Northern Lights
Modifications for Telescope - modified mount from 4” Newtonian - eyepiece projection - 4 to 8 sec exposure
Comet Ikeya-Zhang
Epsilon Lyra Double Stars
Mercury Transit
Jupiter Moons
Saturn Occulation
Saturn Reappearance
Orion Nebula
Asteroid 2002NY40 Flyby, 18 Aug second exposures, - separated by 30 sec
Meade 10” LX-50, and Logictech Quickcam unmodified, 1/30 sec exposure, direct projection - K3CCD and Registax software
Jupiter Processing For Noise Reduction
Moon- Straight Wall
Modifications for Longer Exposures - modify circuitry to bypass 1/5 sec exposure limit - K3CCD computer control
Requires Accurate Polar Alignment - K3CCD to calculate RA and dec drift - Excel program to calculate angular misalignment, correction needed - adjust set screws as needed
Periodic Error in LX50 Drive - Limits practical exposure length to appx 30 sec
Crab Nebula
Sombrero Galaxy
Whirlpool Galaxy
Ring Nebula
James Maughan Thank You!