Definition: the management and processing of information using computers and computer networks. Most businesses have an IT department that deal with computer, telecommunications, networks and other technologies Fastest growing career field in the world today CIW Video – What is IT? /view.asp?product_id=781&product_i tem_id=30426– /view.asp?product_id=781&product_i tem_id=30426
Information Technology (IT) Google Facebook Twitter Web Site Designer Smartphone Tablet Web Application Developer Web Architect Mobile Application Developer Web Site Analyst Dead Link Web Site Manager Database Administrator Scalable Replication Server Administrator Cloud Computing Network Engineer Security Manager Security Analyst/Consultant Search Engine Optimization SEO Analyst Web Marketing Manager PC Repair Technician Mobile Device Repair Technician Help Desk Technician Define the following terms.
Web Site Designers Web Application Developers and Web Architects Mobile Application Developers Web Site Analysts Web Site Managers Database Administrators and Database Specialists Server Administrators Network Engineers Security Managers and Security Analysts / Consultants SEO Analysts Web Marketing Managers PC and Mobile Device Repair Technicians Help Desk Technicians Directions: 1. pair up into teams of two 2. Your team will pick 10 IT Jobs out of the box from the right 3. Use the CIW Text and the internet to research the jobs you have selected 4. Create a PPT presentation to show to the class that covers the following areas: 1. Responsibilities / tasks 2. knowledge / skills 3. How much do they make/salary 4. What type of companies do they work for