Week 7 Motivation
Goals Develop an appreciation of the multitude of methods to motivate employees. Understand the tradeoffs among the different methods. Try to help you develop your own ideas about how YOU will motivate others. Case to understand Money as a motivator.
What is motivation? Write down your own definition.
Teams Moving mountains. Add them all up. Give me a list of things they suggest doing to motivate others. Read between the lines. Make linkages across individuals.
Basic distinctions Intrinsic motivation-self motivation Extrinsic motivation-motivation through incentives that others offer.
Another central issue Is job satisfaction important for motivation? Quantity and Quality of Performance (job description only) ? To go the extra mile beyond the job description? To minimize resistance to change when supervisor requests changes are needed? Which of these do you care about the most?
Ways to motivate Focusing and quantity and quality first.
Presentation on Money as a motivator.
Second Method is Goal setting Read Carly Fiorina’s statement. Supervisors work with subordinates to set specific, objective performance standards. All jobs.
Locke’s Model of Goal Setting Encouraging the development of goal- attainment strategies or action plans Increasing one’s persistence Regulating one’s effort Directing one’s attention Goals motivate the individual by... Task performance 9-22 Figure 9-3
Insights from Goal Setting Research 1)Difficult goals lead to higher performance 2)Specific, difficult goals lead to higher performance for simple rather than complex tasks 3)Feedback enhances the effect of specific, difficult goals 4)Participative goals, assigned goals, and self- set goals are equally effective 5)Goal commitment and monetary incentives affect goal-setting outcomes 9-24 Table 9-4.
Intrinsic Motivation Links between motivation and job satisfaction What is he talking about. Quantity Quality Beyond the job description Change
KITA Do you agree, who is motivated. Yes or no?
Herzberg Talks about Vertical job loading Responsibility, growth opportunities, feedback (internal recognition), recognition (job satisfaction).
To do this you Empower employees (remove day to day controls) while make them accountable Giving them a complete natural unit. Giving them authority to do what they see best to meet targets. Make reports of progress directly to them Give them new tasks to handle Give them specialized tasks to become experts.
Dark side of this approach Many efforts like this eventually corrode and return to traditional management style.
Debate How much should you use money as a motivator. Even Weyerhauser has profit sharing so money is a motivator. Does heavy use of money minimize intrinsic motivation?
Choices to make Is money available to you. If not, what can you use that is no or low cost? Empowerment and Trust debate. What is your preferences. If you empower, some people will take advantage of it. If you use money, there are negative consequences too.
How do you decide. Think about leadership style. Manipulator, Diplomat, expert, achiever etc. More than likely some predisposition towards motivation.