1 ILC Physics and Detectors Akiya Miyamoto KEK 8-March-2005 APPI 2005
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 2 Contents ILC overview Physics - Highlights Detector – Concept studies Summary
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 3 International Linear Collider ICFA Decision ICFA chose Superconducting Technology at ICHEP04, Beijing following the recommendation of ITRP ITRP recommended a technology, but not a design. The final design is expected to be developed by a team drawn from the combined warm and cold linear collider communities. GDI GDI: Based on MOU among labs. for accelerator R&D and design Organization under ILCSC. Central team + 3 regional teams.
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 4 ILC Schedule Adopted ‘Cold’ at IHEP, Beijing st ILC workshop at KEK Decide the director and location of Central GDI Establish Regional GDIs nd ILC workshop at Snowmass. Decide design outline ( acc. Gradient, 1/2 tunnel, dogbone/small DR, e+ generation, etc.) 2005 end Complete CDR 2007 end Complete TDR, role of regions, start site selection 2008 Decide the site, budget approval 2009 Ground breaking 2014 Start commisioning now
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 5 ILC Parameter TESLA is the baseline design, but many alternatives under discussion Accelerating gradient : 35MeV/m or higher Number of tunnels: 1, 2 or 3 Damping ring: dog bone or single Positron production: undulator or conventional Crossing angle: 0 ~ 30mrad Number of Interaction Points : 1 or 2 Ecm: 1st phase 200 ~ 500 GeV, 2 nd phase 1000 GeV Luminosity: ~2x10 34 /cm/s for >500fb -1 in 4 years After Ecm upgrade, >1ab -1 in 4 years
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 6 Physics Opportunities at ILC Electron/positron collision (elementary process) High Energy and High Luminosity Energy scan (controllable) Controllable beam polarization Very sensitive detectors Trigger free Precise theoretical calculation (<1%) Precise physics information & long energy reach LHC gives us new single global mixed picture. I LC gives us new dynamic multi-dimensional total views.
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 7 Physics of EW symmetry breaking Model independent study of Higgs 4-jet 2-jet+missing 2 lepton+X Typical Higgs signal >10 5 Higgs for 500fb -1 ILC is a Higgs Factory! Decay mode independent Higgs search
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 8 Studies of Higgs Properties Energy scan self coupling Vertexing To tag b/c/
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 9 Beyond SM : SUSY LHC would discover SUSY phenomena quickly, however Complicated cascade chain Large SM and other SUSY backgrounds Model dependence of new physics analyses Non-colored SUSY particles is usually lighter than colored SUSY particles ILC ILC LHC Masses of neutralino and slepton are determined at O(0.1) GeV improves LHC’s SUSY mass meas.
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 10 Cosmology and LC WMAP data suggest dark matter
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 11 Beyond SM : Extra Dimension Direct search n = number of extra dimension To be determined at ILC Indirect search G f, V, H e + e - HH Reflects spin2 nature of KK graviton No SM backgrounds in HH channel ~700 events 500fb -1 if Ms=2TeV N. Delerue, K. Fujii & N. Okada Odagiri
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 12 Masses of top, W sin 2 w new physics effect in loop Precission Physics
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 13 Summary of ILC Physics
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 14 Detector for ILC experiments Good jet energy resolution calorimeter inside a coil highly segmented calorimeter Efficient & High purity b/c tagging Thin VTX, put close to the IP Strong solenoid field Pixel type High momentum resolution Hermetic down to O(10)mrad Shiled enough against beam-related background Detector design Philosophy Muon detector Calorimeter Tracker Vertex detector Coil
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 15 “Super” detector Jets are copiously produced at ILC. Efficient detections of jets are crucial for physics involving W/Z/Top/H.. Study H to VV coupling at H.E. LEP likeILC target 5k events/4y
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 16 Particle Flow Analysis jet 2 = ch 2 + 2 + nh 2 + confusion 2 + threashold 2 Charged ~ 60% by tracker Gammas ~ 30% by EM cal Neutral Hadron ~10% by HD cal. Separation of charged particle and /neutral hadron is important Separation : BL 2 /R m ( if consider curvature by B) L=R in (Barrel) or Z in (End Cap), Rm=Effective Moliere length B=0 E(Energy stored in Coil) ~ B 2 L 3 therefore But If same cal. Segmentation is used
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 17 Vertex tagging To achieve high efficient and high purity b/c tagging, good vertex detector is crucial put Vertex detector as close as possible
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 18 Vertex detector issues Compared to 4T case, pair background hit at R= 15mm becomes x1.7 larger in 3T At larger R, the background hit would decrease significantly The configuration of R=20 mm with Si thickness < 70 m and 500 m thick beam pipe at R=12 mm still satisfies the requirement of b =5 10/(p sin 3/2 ) m R (mm) B (T)Pair Background (hit/mm 2 /train) TRC500 beam parameters # of fired pixels ~ 5.0 pixels/hit Inner radius should be optimized based on physics performance using ILC parameter
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 19 Detector concepts B 5T R EM 1.27m 5 layers Si tracker W+Si Cal. EM seg. 0.5x0.5cm 2 B 4T R EM 1.68m TPC W+Si Cal. B 3T R EM 2.10m TPC W+Scinti. Cal. EM seg. 2x2cm 2 or strip All these parameters are subject to change SiD LCD “GLD”
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 20 WWS WWS(World Wide Study for Linear Collider Physics and Detector) A committee for LC physics and Detectors under ILCSC. ( note : GDI/GDO is only for accelerator issues. ) 3 Co-chairs from each region + 5~6 members from each region Tasks Organize LCWS seriese at SLAC, 2006 at India Promote experimental program until Global Lab. takes over its role. Feb. 2004, ILCSC asked the Worldwide Study to develop a plan for organizing the experimental program in parallel with the GDI for the machine. WWS will organize: R&D panel, MDI panel, detector costing panel WWS will request each concept teams to write “ Detector Outlines ”, which will be inputs for R&D panel.
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 21 Organization chart IUPAP ICFA (J.Dorfan) GDI Phys.&Det. Sub-Com (J.Brau, H.Yamamoto, D.Miller) ILCSC (M.Tigner) 3 regional steering com. ( Asia, N.A., Europe) Wold Wide Study Asian LCSC ACFA Phys.&Det. WG R&D panel Costing panel MDI panel
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 22 Time line of Experimental program GDI (Design) (Construction) Technology Choice Acc CDR TDRStart Global Lab. Det. Detector Outline Documents CDRsLOIs R&D Phase Collaboration Forming Construction WWS Detector R&D Panel Tevatron SLAC B LHC HERA T2K TDRs
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 23 Summary Aims of the energy frontier experiment at ILC are To unveil physics of EW symmetry breaking and to understand the structure of vacuum which is filled by Higgs To unveil new physics and establish new principle SUSY, … Extra dimension …. After ITRP decision last year, Accelerator activity is united and moving very fast towards CDR, TDR, … A program to set up experimental program has been set up and LC community is moving along that direction. Many events/decisions concerning ILC is expected this year. LCWS2005(3/18-23, SLAC), 8 th ACFA(7/11-14), Snowmass(mid. Aug), LCWS2006(Feb/Mar, 2006)
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 24 Backup slides
GDI: First stage of GDO
A.Miyamoto, APPI2005 (8,-March-2005) 26 Merit of Huge Detector Good Jet Energy (Particle) Flow Measurement Good charged track separation in a jet at the inner surface of the calorimeter large BR 2 Pattern recognition is easier large n with thin material, small number of low momentum curling tracks Good momentum resolution for charged particles large BR 2 √n Good dE/dx measurement for charged particles large n Smaller relative volume of the dead space small ΔV/V for constant ΔV Good two track separation, Larger efficiency for Ks and Λ (any long lived) large BR 2, larger R