Warm-up Caught’ya: 1. Write the following part of a story in your notebook. Can you find all the grammar/usage mistakes? “Sir might I have a moment of your time?” Wesley tentatively asks Buttercup’s father. Buttercup’s father issued a noncommittal grunt, and Wesley seized the opportunity to present his proposal. “I’m in love with your daughter sir and I’d like your permission to ask for her hand.” After a brief moment of heavy silence the father laughs a belly deep laugh and responds, “Boy, you couldn’t even afford to ask for her finger!”
Moving through time to 1844 Our country elected it’s first president, George Washington Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Quincy-Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, and Harrison all served their terms as President John Tyler is serving his last two years as President Colonialism to Age of Reason to Romanticism/Transcendentalism Science and Reason are beginning to outweigh Religious influence
Moving through time... Romanticism: Reflects the growing conflict between science and religion Focuses on the extreme, far-flung and ideal Strong stereotypes Heavy symbolism
Rappaccini’s Daughter... Setting: Padua (Padova), Italy
Rappaccini’s Daughter... Characters: Giovanni Guasconti Beatrice Rappaccini Giacomo Rappaccini Lisabetta Pietro Baglioni
Rappaccini’s Daughter... From Hawthrone’s Twice Told Tales Text
Rappaccini’s Daughter... Modern twists... (Beatrice) Rogue (X-Men) (Giovanni) Bella Swan
Rappaccini’s Daughter... Resources Hawthorne/index.php