CSO Participation in Busan
N 26 – simultaneous preparatory activities of sectors and themes N 27 – cso preparatory forum open to other csos N 28 – focused preparations according HLF IV segments N28 – joint CSO parliamentarians preparatory forum N29 D1 reports to the public and press conferences parallel activities?
Different segments – Displays and activities at knowledge and innovation space – Sponsorship and/or participation in side events – Cosponsorship and/participation in interactive sessions – Participation in political debates – Participation in plenary sessions – Participation in negotiation of outcome document
Participation in official process 1,500 – 2,000; minimum delegation of 5 for 164 countries composed of 3 executive, 1 parliament and 1 private sector; plus 100 additional allocation for private sector and international bodies for parliament and LGUs 100 csos to be subsidized from donor trust fund Additional 200 csos self paying or subsidized from cso funds
Selection process Need to have an inclusive and transparent selection of – 300 participants – 100 to be subsidized by ADB trust fund – Additional 100 to 200 subsidized by CSO fund – 100 Koreans to be subsidized Qualification – knowledgeable and ready to work Selection will be conducted by regional formations – Asia, Africa, Lat Am, MENA, Europe/NA and Global – combining members of CG and GFG; focal persons Co-chairs of BACG and OF GFG plus two reps each from secretariats will oversee and support the regional processes
Selection process for participation