Poetry – Diamante Mme DiMarco
You will be expected to submit an anthology of poems as well as a critique of a poem and your author introduction. The anthology will consist of… Found poetry Haiku Cinquain 4.Diamante 5.Analysis At the end of this unit..
Diamante poem: a style of poetry that is made up of seven lines that form the shape of a diamond Similar to haiku and cinquain, a diamante poem has a specific pattern of syllables, lines and grammar. Diamante Poetry – What is it??
The poem can be used in two ways… 1.Comparing and contrasting two different subjects 1.Naming synonyms at the beginning of the poem and then antonyms for the second half for a subject. Description
Synonyms: words that have the same or very similar meaning. For example, a synonym for jump is hop Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings. For example, the antonym of long is short. Adjectives: words that describe or modify a noun in a sentence. For example, the big cat. Where big is the adjective Adverb: words that describe or modify a verb in a sentence. For example, he ran fast. Where fast is the adverb Noun: a person, place or thing Examples: Mme DiMarco, Toronto and the CN Tower are all nouns. Recall that…
Line 1: 1 noun - beginning subject Line 2: 2 adjectives – describing line 1 Line 3: 3 verbs (-ing words) – describing line 1 Line 4: 4 nouns – first two describe the beginning subject, last two describe the end subject Line 5: 3 verbs (-ing words) – describing line 7 Line 6: 2 adjectives – describing line 7 Line 7: 1 noun - end subject Structure
Noun 1 Adjective-Adjective (noun 1) Verb-Verb-Verb (noun 1) Noun-Noun-Noun-Noun (noun 1, noun 2) Verb-Verb-Verb (noun 2) Adjective-Adjective (noun 2) Noun 2 Structure
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Work on your own diamante poem Once you have completed your rough copy, start on your good copy. This is the last created poem for your anthology Your turn!