DYSTROPHY MUSCULAR Isamar Villacrés Carlos Carlosama
MD Is a genetic disorder that weakens the muscles that help the body move.genetic disorder People with MD have incorrect or missing information in their genes Because MD is genetic, people are born with the problem Muscular dystrophies are characterized by progressiveskeletal muscle weakness, defects in muscle proteins, and the death of muscle cells andtissue.skeletal muscleproteinscellstissue
Signs and symptoms Progressive muscular wasting Poor balance Drooping eyelids Atrophy Scoliosis (curvature of the spine and the back) Scoliosis Inability to walk Frequent falls Waddling gait Calf deformation Limited range of movement Respiratory difficulty Joint contractures Cardiomyopathy Arrhythmias
Treatment Corticosteroids may slow muscle destruction. Exercise and physical therapy can minimize abnormal or painful positioning of the joints and may prevent or delay curvature of the spine
Diagnosis The diagnosis of muscular dystrophy is based on the results of muscle biopsymuscle biopsy Creatine Phosphokinase (CpK3) Phosphokinase Electromyography Electromyography Electrocardiography DNA analysis.
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