AP Psych DMA  What is the DSM-IV?  What are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder? Please write the question & leave room for your answers.


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Presentation transcript:

AP Psych DMA  What is the DSM-IV?  What are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder? Please write the question & leave room for your answers.

Today’s Agenda  DMA  T-shirt designs  Chap. 16 & 17 FRQs  Chap. 15 test review/reflection Homework:  Chap. 16 & 17 Test – Monday, Mar. 19 th  Chap. 16 & 17 notes due Monday, Mar. 19 th  FRQ # 1 & 2 due Friday, Mar. 9 th  FRQ #3 due Monday, Mar. 12 th  T-Shirt design – due Friday, Mar. 9 th

T-Shirt Designs  Extra credit  Grab a handout.  Due by Friday, March 9 th  Must follow the KR Way  Can be funny, but must be appropriate

Chap. 16 & 17 FRQs

Chap. 15 Test Review/Reflection  You need:  Test  Answer key  Scantron  Review assignment Due tomorrow!!