BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Mrs. Joyce Baumann Fifth Grade Tonight’s Agenda: 1. Class Rules 2. Homework Policy 3. Grading Practices 4. Daily Schedule 5. Questions/Comments
Class Rules Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. Treat other people the way you want them to treat you. Treat other people the way you want them to treat you. Treat school, classroom, and personal property with care. Treat school, classroom, and personal property with care. Do not interrupt others who are speaking. Do not interrupt others who are speaking. Always do your best work. Always do your best work. Turn in all class work and homework on time. Turn in all class work and homework on time. Be at school on time, every day. Be at school on time, every day.
Homework Policy Assigned daily, except Fridays. Homework is written in planners daily. Timely homework is rewarded with good grades, account money, and table points. Students who don’t bring their homework, spend last recess doing it. Homework passes are good for 1 assignment, NOT the entire night’s homework.
Grading Practices Work completed and returned on time will be graded with the typical percentage scale on an “A” through “F” basis. Work turned in late MAY be marked down. Missing work may be made up. These assignments will be noted in weekly accounts and/or progress reports. Reading Log and Test grades are final as noted and will not be changed. Some assignments are simply given full or partial credit based on completion.
Daily Schedule 8:15-8:45 Roll/flag salute/DLR (Daily Language Review)/Collect accounts or homework. 8:15-8:45 Roll/flag salute/DLR (Daily Language Review)/Collect accounts or homework. 8:45-9:15 PE (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and sometimes Fridays.) 8:45-9:15 PE (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and sometimes Fridays.) 9:15-11:10 Language Arts 9:15-11:10 Language Arts 11:10-12:03 Lunch 11:10-12:03 Lunch 12:03-1:10 Math (Mad Minutes on Tuesdays & Thursdays) 12:03-1:10 Math (Mad Minutes on Tuesdays & Thursdays) 1:10-1:25 Recess 1:10-1:25 Recess 1:25-1:40 finish Math 1:25-1:40 finish Math 1:40-2:30 Social Studies/Science 1:40-2:30 Social Studies/Science 2:30-2:40 Clean up/dismissal 2:30-2:40 Clean up/dismissal
Wednesday/Minimum Days 8:15-8:45 Roll/flag salute/DLR/collect homework 8:15-8:45 Roll/flag salute/DLR/collect homework 8:45-10:15 Language Arts 8:45-10:15 Language Arts 10:15-10:28 Recess 10:15-10:28 Recess 10:28-11:20 Math 10:28-11:20 Math 11:20-11:50 Lunch 11:20-11:50 Lunch 11:50-12:55 Library/Social Studies/Science 11:50-12:55 Library/Social Studies/Science 12:55-1:05 Clean up/dismissal 12:55-1:05 Clean up/dismissal
Reminders/Questions/Comments Please be sure you signed in so that your child gets credit for your attendance at Back-to-School Night. Please be sure you signed in so that your child gets credit for your attendance at Back-to-School Night. Please sign up for your Parent Conference appointment. Please sign up for your Parent Conference appointment. Please note the volunteer sign-up sheet. All volunteers who work in the classroom must have a TB Clearance. Please note the volunteer sign-up sheet. All volunteers who work in the classroom must have a TB Clearance. To chaperone field trips you must have a TB Clearance and have your fingerprints cleared through the district office. To chaperone field trips you must have a TB Clearance and have your fingerprints cleared through the district office. If you have not yet joined PTA, I strongly encourage you to do so tonight. If you have not yet joined PTA, I strongly encourage you to do so tonight. Classroom donations that are always welcome include: baby wipes, dry erase markers (low odor), tissue, and “Box Tops for Education.” Classroom donations that are always welcome include: baby wipes, dry erase markers (low odor), tissue, and “Box Tops for Education.” Questions or comments? Questions or comments?
Thank You Thank you for coming this evening. I appreciate that you took time out of your busy schedules to support your children and me. Let’s continue to work together as a team to ensure a successful year for your child. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Thank you for coming this evening. I appreciate that you took time out of your busy schedules to support your children and me. Let’s continue to work together as a team to ensure a successful year for your child. Enjoy the rest of your evening.