CESM-CAM5 Large Ensemble Update May 13, 2013 https://wiki.ucar.edu/display/ccsm/CESM+Large+Ensemble+Planning+Page list for all future updates -


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Presentation transcript:

CESM-CAM5 Large Ensemble Update May 13, list for all future updates - Please sign yourself up at:

Control Run – Surface temperature and TOA Balance through year 400

Control run ocean temperature

CESM1.1 (1 degree) 400-year Control Run 1)ENSO 2)PDO 3)AMO 4)Sea Ice 5)SLP variance

SST monthly anomaly standard deviation

5n-5s, 170w-120w Nino3.4

1.06C in CCSM in CESM in OBS

Nino3.4 SST power spectrum

Nino3.4 SST standard deviation: 30-year running window OBS

Nino3.4 monthly standard deviation

SST anomaly composite Hovmuller Diagrams time

DJF Surface Temperature and SLP Composites (ENSO)

PDO (Regressions on PC1 North Pacific SST’)

AMO (Regressions on North Atlantic SST)

DJF SLP standard deviation (hPa)

Outputs/Storage on HPSS -DATA STORAGE. We requested 300 TB. We were allocated 80% (of CSL request) and 80% (of HPSS request) leaving us with 192 TB. -Zipping files before archiving saves a lot of space! Compression factors for history files: ~0.64 (CAM), ~0.41 (POP), ~0.21 (CLM), ~0.17 (CICE). - For 30 ensemble members: 168 TB of zipped output proposed. 1) Monthly Means Continuous ) Daily Means Continuous ) 6-hourly Timeslice for Three Decades – 1920s, 1990s, 2070s? (At the meeting –timeslice outputs were requested to be saved for the 1990s, a near-term decade ( ), and the 2070s. We will adopt this request.) See spreadsheet on the wiki for a list of the variables. CESMLargeEnsemble_highfreqvars_sizes_may13.xls -With 30 ensemble members, there is not enough storage to archive both monthly history files and single variable timeseries on HPSS. Proposal: Save both for first ensemble member. Is it ok to only archive single variable time series and a limited number of monthly mean climatologies? What will make this ensemble the easiest to use for the community? Discuss

Outputs By Type

Run Cost/# Ensemble Members -CORE HOURS. We requested 6.5 million Yellowstone core-hours. We were allocated 80% or 5.2 million. -Model Cost: 2163 pe-hrs/simulated_year (per Andy Mai based on 1850 control). Only enough resources for 15 ensemble members with CSL Resources? -Additional ensemble members to be added by community (Texas, Toronto, Colorado?). Instructions provided after first ensemble member run all the way through Discuss