Unit 1: Renaissance and Reformation Vocabulary
Renaissance Time period in which there was a rebirth of interest in the ideas and culture of ancient Greece and Rome.
city-state Political unit made up of a city and the surrounding lands.
humanism Intellectual movement during the Renaissance that focused on secular (non- religious) subjects and saw humans and individuals as important.
vernacular Everyday language of ordinary people
Renaissance man Term used to describe a well educated person who excels in many fields and has many talents
patron A financial supporter of the arts
Reformation A movement against corrupt practices of the Catholic Church (which had dominated religious practice in Europe). Led to a split in the Church and the beginning of Protestant religions.
95 Theses A list of arguments against indulgences being sold by the Catholic Church. Written by Martin Luther.
indulgence Pardon for sins committed during a person’s lifetime. (Sold by the Catholic Church, these were a way for a person to buy themselves or a loved one out of purgatory)
recant Give up one’s views or beliefs
moveable type Development in printing that made possible the printing press and the first mass production of books and printed material
predestination Religious doctrine (belief or principle) which states that God is all powerful and has already decided who will receive salvation and who will not.
Council of Trent Group of Catholic bishops who, in response to the Protestant Reformation, reviewed corrupt practices in the Church and recommended changes.
Jesuits Religious order created in response to the Reformation. Wanted to restore Catholicism to Protestant areas of Europe.
annul To cancel or invalidate
Elizabethan Settlement Elizabeth I’s solution to the religious conflict created by the English Reformation. The Church of England (Anglican Church) would be Protestant in belief, but keep much of the Catholic rituals and ceremony.
astrolabe Instrument used to measure latitude by measuring the position of the stars.
cartographer mapmaker
Conquistador (kahn KEES tuh dor) Spanish explorers of America
circumnavigate Sail around the world
Columbian Exchange The trade of goods, food, animals, culture, and ideas between the Americas and Europe
mercantilism Economic policy followed by European nations in which each country tried to build up its supply of gold and silver by exporting more goods than it imported.