Date of Presentation Name of Presenter Insert image _________ Toolkit
K4Health Priority Topic What is the _______ Toolkit? An electronic library of reliable and relevant resources on _________ topic. Materials were identified by technical experts to ensure the most important resources across different organizations were selected. Collected in one convenient location, eliminating the need for users to go to multiple sites. Continuous publishing principle to ensure that new resources are identified and made available. Purpose: To give health care professionals access to the information they need to develop policies, design programs, and make health care decisions based on evidence.
K4Health Priority Topic What does the _______ Toolkit cover? Bullet points on the scope of the toolkit
K4Health Priority Topic What kinds of resources are included? List the types of resources included, such as case stories, job aids, communication materials, etc.
K4Health Priority Topic Who developed the Toolkit? List partners
K4Health Priority Topic Audiences of the Toolkit List target audiences, e.g., program managers, service providers, etc.
K4Health Priority Topic How to Find the Toolkit
K4Health Priority Topic How to Navigate the Toolkit Click on the section of interest at the right side of any page of the Toolkit. Click on the subsection of interest, if applicable.
K4Health Priority Topic How to View Full-Text Resources List of documents Click on the title of the resource to access the full record Full record will include an uploaded file for download or an external link to access the full text document on another website
K4Health Priority Topic How to Search To look for a specific topic or specific resource, click in the Search box beneath the navigation on the right side. Enter your search terms and click on the green ‘Search’ button.
K4Health Priority Topic Send Us Your Feedback How have you used the Toolkit in your work? Suggest new resources. General questions/comments. us at: _________________