Achievements and lessons learnt by early implementers ERTMS “Towards a Masterplan for Deployment” Achievements and lessons learnt by early implementers Italy Michele Elia Budapest 05.04.2006
Main elements Elements of the Italian strategy for ETCS implementation Interoperability choices (GSM-R coverage, ETCS level 2 on high-speed lines, SCMT on conventional lines - Rolling stock equipped) Status of the first experiences with ETCS level 2 on the high-speed line Rome Naples and Novara Torino in commercial operation (infrastructure and rolling stock solved and unsolved problems) – Main lesson learnt – Certification and Assessment Status of GSM-R and SCMT on conventional main lines and nodes Extension of SCMT towards ETCS level 1 on Corridors linking Europe (Consequences for balise configuration, How to solve the infill issue) Experiences with GSM-R implementation in the conventional network Challenge in context with European corridors (Add standard ETCS features to track-side SCMT).
RFI migration strategy gives the highest priority to the corridors Elements of Italian strategy for ETCS implementation Interoperability choices 1 RFI migration strategy gives the highest priority to the corridors RFI is carrying out interoperability on the new lines of its High Speed network Considers as essential a quick realization of interoperability on the lines connecting the Italian HS/HC with the European network (Cross border lines - corridors) Interoperability will be afterwards realized on other “Amenagées” lines is going to carry out interoperability also on part of its conventional network General RFI migration strategy to ERTMS/ETCS
1 Elements of Italian strategy for ETCS implementation Interoperability choices - applied technical solutions ERTMS/ETCS level 2 one single system on new HS lines over-posed on the present system on Rome-Florence HS and on conventional lines where interoperability is planned in the medium term Balise antenna LEV 1 LEV 2 ETCS ERTMS/ETCS level 1 (with radio “infill”GSM-R functionality) over-posed on the present system SCMT on conventional lines where interoperability is planned in a shorter term uses the interoperable components of SCMT (Eurobalise,encoder, etc.). Non-switchable Switchable LEU
Reduced functionality 1 Elements of Italian strategy for ETCS implementation Interoperability choices - applied technical solutions Solutions for the interoperable train: ETCS Trackside ETCS on board (Level 2 + lower level) Lev 1 Lev 1 with infill Interoperable (Radio or loop) Lev 2 NOTE: ETCS SRS have to be upgraded to allow the on board reduced functionality in case of lev,1 without infill Reduced functionality On-board functionality Air Gap Track side Data Static speed profiles More stringent SSP evaluation Dynamic Speed profile Brake activation comparison Train Data
1 Elements of Italian strategy for ETCS implementation Interoperability choices - applied technical solutions Extension of SCMT towards ETCS level 1 on Corridors linking Europe (Consequences for balise configuration, How to solve the infill issue) ETCS on board without STM Operation conditions ETCS Level 1 without interoperable infill information [for areas where only a discontinuous system (BCA - RSDD) exists (V<150Km/h)] Reduced ETCS functionalities on board Driver has to drive by line side signals information Missing on board Info: permitted speed, target distance Remaining info / functions: current speed, warning for over speed, data entry ETCS Level 1 with interoperable infill information [for areas where a continuous system (BACC) exists (V>150Km/h)] Complete ETCS functionalities on board Driver has to drive by on board (DMI) information ETCS Level 2 [for areas where a continuous system (BACC) exists V>150Km/h)] ETCS level 1, with or without the infill standard information, can be over posed to the existing SCMT system using its Eurobalises (information from packet 44) BALISE ERTMS ERTMS telegram 1023 bit Track side On board SCMT ERTMS Level 1 Telegram SCMT Telegram 250 bit (Packet 44)
Status of the first experiences with ETCS level 2 on the high-speed line Rome Naples and Novara Torino in commercial operation (infrastructure and rolling stock solved and unsolved problems) – Main lesson learnt – Certification and Assessment 2 BOLOGNA-FIRENZE FIRENZE-ROMA MILANO-BOLOGNA TORINO - MILANO ROMA-NAPOLI 1h 30’ 60’ 1h 44’ 1h 00’ 57’ 32’ 1h 45’ 1h 10’ 1h 36’ 1h 20’ Current time Future trip time reduction 2004 2009 HS RFI network 2005: Roma – Napoli (204 Km) 2006: Torino – Novara (91 Km) 2006: Padova – Mestre (25 km) 2007: Milano – Bologna (182 km) 2008: Bologna – Firenze (78 km) 2009: Novara - Milano (34 km) 2012: Milano - Verona (112 km) 2013: Verona - Padova (77 km) 2013: Terzo Valico (52 Km) RFI ERTMS/ETCS HS whole network (855 Km) total cost : 350 Mil. Euro Interoperable RFI HS network
Lead train “the hare” on the next section 2 Status of the first experiences with ETCS level 2 on the high-speed line Rome Naples and Novara Torino in commercial operation (infrastructure and rolling stock solved and unsolved problems) – Main lesson learnt – Certification and Assessment Main Signal Movement Authority: Speed set to zero on the following train “ the hound” and distance indication between trains. Lead train “the hare” on the next section ERTMS DIRECT CAUSE OF DELAYS: LESS THAN 10% FOR WHOLE OPERAIONAL PERIOD. CONSTANT SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION IN ERTMS AS A DIRECT CAUSE OF DELAYS. New HS Roma Naples interoperable line Commercial service from Dec. 2005 204 km 300 km / h Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 [km] 105 25 ETCS Lev. 2 NO SAFETY CRITICALITIES
2 Status of the first experiences with ETCS level 2 on the high-speed line Rome Naples and Novara Torino in commercial operation (infrastructure and rolling stock solved and unsolved problems) – Main lesson learnt – Certification and Assessment Development, assessment and acceptance activities 0 Development and Verification-Validation (Safety Case Generic and specific applications) To close the Assessment / approval phase Cenelec compliant functional and safety assessment for generic and specific application. On board subsystem and related interfaces approval. Special test tools for monitoring and assessing the functional tests of the specific applications and validate the EVC RBC data preparation process. Qualification of the GSM-R for the specific application of ETCS LEVEL 2. IOT GSM-R for NSS Siemens and BSS NORTHEL integration. … and preparing the Pre-operations phase Increasing train speed tests on the new line - steps: 150, 250, 300 Km/h. Rules and regulation definition and testing. “As built application” final, extensive, field control to authorise the start of pre-operations.
2 Status of the first experiences with ETCS level 2 on the high-speed line Rome Naples and Novara Torino in commercial operation (infrastructure and rolling stock solved and unsolved problems) – Main lesson learnt – Certification and Assessment Development, assessment and acceptance responsibilities Investigative body (national) Safety Authority (national) Rules & Standards Laboratories Notified Bodies Safety Authorization Safety Certificate Components valutation Subsystems verification Run Prescriptions Infrastructure Managers Railway Undertakings investigations
Existing regulatory framework 2 Status of the first experiences with ETCS level 2 on the high-speed line Rome Naples and Novara Torino in commercial operation (infrastructure and rolling stock solved and unsolved problems) – Main lesson learnt – Certification and Assessment Rome-Naples operational rules amendments Rules Book Signals Book Amendments to Orders Books ready New Intructions Books New Orders Books, ready Rules Book and Signals Book, ready for approval Orders Book Existing regulatory framework MINISTRY LEVEL RFI LEVEL Rules for systems and personnel
2 Status of the first experiences with ETCS level 2 on the high-speed line Rome Naples and Novara Torino in commercial operation (infrastructure and rolling stock solved and unsolved problems) – Main lesson learnt – Certification and Assessment Success Key points Requirement Definition at System and Subsystem level with agreement of RFI and all suppliers (signalling and TLC) Skilled RFI team in UNISIG Requirements for their configuration One Example: the right match of parameter for management of the Radio Link connection in GSM-R, RBC and EVC (TNV_contact and his reaction , Safe connection and Euroradio parameter, T_Mute, BitErrorRate and GSM-R work frequency, etc..) in order to achieve the maximum in availability and safety Strong presence in the field for test results analysis with a deep assessment (independent log analysis by RFI) ERTMS System Integration in the fields and in independent laboratories with product of different suppliers (with their competition but also reciprocal cooperation) Developing of predictive diagnostic tools for signalling system Daily Monitoring by RFI and Suppliers of the results of each run in preoperational period with dedicated retrofit
2 Speed records Torino-Novara Roma-Napoli
3 Status of GSM-R Emergency call (*) Network committed 25.10.2004 Network roll-out Phase 1: MSC Junction + Roaming + + 2400 Km of radio coverage; Phase 2: additional 3200 Km of Radio and GPRS service activation ; Phase 3: Radio coverage of the remaining 1900 Km Network committed 25.10.2004 Owned radio plants in 7500 km of the FS commercial network Roaming on GSM public net in other lines and back-up in the commercial lines Radio coverage in tunnels both for GSM-R and for TIM and Vodafone GSM Integration with the fixed network GSM-R network planned extension to 16,000 km On 21.04.2005 start of Track-to-train service with emergency call Added 30,000 users of Trenitalia and RU Main supported service: Emergency call (*) (*) = Service not available under roaming GSM-R website >,07.asp
3 Status of SCMT Interested network 10.500 km Costs 1.724 mln Commissioning : - 1.1.2005 3.000 Km - by 2007 10.500 Km SCMT website SCMT Configuration With BACC (4.500 Km): Encoders with switching balises to send only routes signals aspects and non - switching balises to send line parameters, temporary speed restrictions and reduce odometer error. Without BACC (6.000 Km): Encoders with switching balises to send both routes and block signals aspects and non - switching balises to send line parameters, temporary speed restrictions and reduce odometer error. In the medium term the SCMT balises will have the standard ERTMS message (SCMT will use packet 44 of the standard message),06,03.asp Rolling stocks Tot. 3366 2003 49 2004 454 2005 601 2006 714 2007 773 2008 775
RFI technical proposal ( in progress) 4 Extension of SCMT towards ETCS level 1 on Corridors linking Europe (Consequences for balise configuration, How to solve the infill issue) Radio infill solution RFI technical proposal ( in progress)
Experiences with GSM-R implementation Nortel-Siemens GSM-R Integration 5 Experiences with GSM-R implementation Nortel-Siemens GSM-R Integration GSM-R “radio island” in the HS/HC line Roma Napoli Salone Gricignano Roma Working with BTS SIEMENS Napoli AV/AC Roma Napoli Working with BTS NORTEL
Experiences with GSM-R implementation Nortel-Siemens GSM-R Integration 5 Experiences with GSM-R implementation Nortel-Siemens GSM-R Integration MSC SR11.0 NSS Core Linea Storica Siemens BSS VMS SMSC HLRi IN Billing SGSN GGSN Interception OTA TRAU BTS GPRS Tratta AC/AV Roma Napoli NortelNetworks Interfaccia A BSC BR7.0/SR11.0 V15R.1 V12R.04 Roma Tuscolana HLR NUOVO BSS Nortel Abis GSM-R RBC Test Plant – PCS Roma SIEMENS – NortelNetworks Radio Block Centre MSC Siemens LS Pre-esercizio BTS di migrazione MSC Siemens
6 A B D Sponsor and Team Leader Corr. B Member Corr. A Member Corr. D Challenge in context with European corridors (Add standard ETCS features to track-side SCMT) 6 A B D Member Corr. A Member Corr. D Sponsor and Team Leader Corr. B
6 Freight Terminal 1 Novara Gallarate 2 Seregno Verona 3 Padova 4 5 Challenge in context with European corridors (Add standard ETCS features to track-side SCMT) 6 Freight Terminal 1 Novara Gallarate Seregno Verona Padova 2 3 4 5 Corridors Other cross borders