The West on the Eve of a New World Order Chapter 18 World History Volume II: Since 1500 pgs
People, Places, Ideas Scientific Revolution Ptolemy, Copernicus, Galileo (know their general theories) Enlightenment Isaac Newton John Locke separation of powers Adam Smith / laissez-faire feminism Mary Wollstonecraft high culture / popular culture cottage industry Seven Years’ War Thomas Jefferson Declaration of Independence Second Continental Congress Articles of Confederation United States Constitution natural rights enlightened absolutism Austrian Empire Catherine the Great / Russia French / Radical Revolutions National Assembly Bastille Nationalism Maximilien Robespierre Reign of Terror / guillotine Napoleon Bonaparte Battle of Waterloo
Big Questions In what ways were the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the seventeenth century English revolutions alike? In what ways were they different? What changes occurred in the European economy in the eighteenth century, and how did these changes mirror those in society?