The Rise of Facebook An Untold Story
PRESENTATION I.Some Experiences II.Business Perspective III.Simple System vs Complex System IV.Facebook V.Team Assembly Model
INTRODUCTION Albert Simon Alamogordo High School New Mexico State U. at Alamogordo Teach computer science, game programming, business and social studies courses at the high school Teach computer science and business courses for NMSUA
A Business Prospective I.Peter Drucker, Management Gruru Claremont Graduate School of Business, sayings: The computer is a moron. Peter Drucker Peter Drucker Teaching is the only major occupation of man for which we have not yet developed tools that make an average person capable of competence and performance. In teaching we rely on the "naturals," the ones who somehow know how to teach. Peter Drucker Peter Drucker
A Business Prospective cont’d The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. Peter Drucker Finally, he says: the purpose of a business is to get and hold its customers. Peter Drucker
FIBR PRESENTATIONS 1.Jennifer Dunne’s presentation on Food Web. Businesses exhibit the same characteristics as the Food Web. a. “small world” properties of path length and clustering b. assortative mixing, that is the tendency of nodes with similar degree to be linked to each other c. Disassortative mixing, nodes with high degree tend to link to nodes with low degree. 2. Slumming Amy W. presentation. Zuckerberg went from Harvard to a small one bedroom house in Palo Alto because of finance issues.
Cont’d Businesses do tend to be self-organizing for the sake of survival. DeDeo presentation on social behavior of chimps, sometimes fighting or always fighting. In society, someone suggested that the executives of IBM is a gang dressed in suits and ties and sitting in fancy offices. They do fight.
Simple Systems vs. Complex Systems Example simply system: US Congress Complex system: defined as a system with very high throughput--Facebook has 400million members as of Feb, 2010.
Cottage Industry Bill Gates and his Steve Ballmer-Parents Garage Steve Job and Steve W- Parents’ garage Michael Dell- Dorm room Univ of Texas- Austin Mark Zuckerberg- Dorm room Harvard U.
Graphic Representation of Facebook’s Progress
Facebook History Mark ZuckerbergMark Zuckerberg wrote Facemash, the predecessor to Facebook, on October 28, 2003, while attending Harvard as a sophomore.Harvard sophomore February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched "Thefacebook", originally located at The site was built using open source MySQL database.
contd Membership was initially restricted to students of Harvard College, and within the first month, more than half the undergraduate population at Harvard was registered on the service. Harvard College In March 2004, Facebook expanded to Stanford,Columbia, and Yale. This expansion continued when it opened to all Ivy League and Boston area schools, and gradually most universities in Canada and the United States.[ Ivy League
TotalActiveUsers Date Users (million) Days Later August 26, April 8, Sep 15, Feb 5, TOTAL ACTIVE USERSTOTAL ACTIVE USERS TOTAL ACTIVE USERSTOTAL ACTIVE USERS
6 degrees of separation Look at the Team Assembly model in NetLogo Library. I am in the process of rewriting the code to suit the characteristics of Zuckerberg and gang, to include the pursuit of the predatory investors who wanted either a piece of action or the whole enchilada.
Zuckerberg Gang Dustin Moskivitz 25, Harvard roommate, master builder of Facebook systems Adam D’Angelo, 25, Exeter prep school friend Chief Technical officer Eduardo Saverin,28 classmate, business manager, he and Zuckerberg first investors, putting up $1000 each Sean Parker,30 Silicon Valley startup veteran at 24, he steered Zuckerburg through the shoals of venture capital, became the first President. Chris Hughes, 25, roommate, a literature and history major, became the first spokesman.
Cont’d Finally, Matt Cohler, 33, Recruited early on from Linkedln, first consigliere on products and major decisions.