Programming Process All programming solves a problem, so developing a program involves steps similar to any problem-solving task. There are five main steps in the programming process outlined in this section. Get your notebook ready! Click on the lesson to learn more about the programming process. Once you are done, continue with the notes and then the assignment. Objective You are creating a cartoon to help middle school students understand the programming process. Make sure you include all 5 steps and an example! What Do You Do? 1. Go to the ToonDoo website ( Create a free account. 2. Create a ToonBook telling your audience, future programming students, about the five steps of the programming process. 3. Give an example. 4. Publish your toon. (make sure it is public for the world to see!) 5. Copy/Paste your toon or url (web link) and submit Sign up for a free account. After you sign up, Click on “Log in.”
Once you log in, locate the CREATE button on the right.
Click on it and you will see the Layout screen. Select your layout.
Now you are ready to create the cartoon. You can choose what to use on your cartoon from the different tabs CharactersPropsBrushmen BackgroundsTextSpecial
Cartoon is complete? What now? You need to save the cartoon Click on Save As
The following screen will appear: Fill in the – Title – Description – Under Options, click on Publish to the world Click on the PUBLISH button.
The following screen will appear: Click on “Goto Page” Button. At this point, your cartoon will appear. Copy the URL in the location box and send it to your teacher.
A Final Product!!
Contact your instructor