Respond to this quote: “Actions speak louder than words?” Agree, or disagree? Why, or why not? Give an example to support your response.
Think- Pair-Share A teacher at NDCR tells your class that cell phones are not to be used during class. How could the teachers actions speak louder than words in this scenario?
Think- Pair-Share 2. A student at NDCR breaks her foot and is in a cast. Everybody is very sympathetic, and so sorry that it happened. How could someone's actions speak louder than words in this scenario?
Love of Enemies/“Golden Rule” Lk. 6:27-36 What is “the Golden Rule?” What quality does Jesus think should set his followers apart from others?
Love of Enemies/“Golden Rule” “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” –Luke 6:31
Think—Pair—Share “Golden Rule” Class Questions 1. Imagine if everyone tried to abide by this rule. How would things be? 2. Who, in your own life, comes closest to exemplifying this “rule”? How would you describe them? How do others view them? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living this way?
Judge Not… Lk. 6:37-42 What behavior is Jesus critiquing in this passage? Which group might he be targeting?
Judge Not… Jesus is often critical of hypocrisy/hypocrites Hypocrisy – claiming or demanding a virtuous character that one does not have Lk. 6:39-42 people more concerned with others’ faults while ignoring their own Ex. Gossiper’s complaining about Gossip Targeting Pharisees who criticize violators of the law
Discussion: Judging What makes people so quick to judge others? What makes people so blind to their own faults? How common a problem do you think this kind of judgment is?
Synthesis/Summary Many of Jesus’ most important teachings come from his reinterpreting and expanding ideas that were common in his time. Most of Jesus’ teaching was intended as practical tips for improving oneself and the community. Jesus’ teaching was often directed at abuses he saw in his society.
Points to take away from “Judging Others” We should not be so busy criticizing others that we fail to see our own faults. We should be kind and forgiving, not harsh and judgmental. If we are generous with others, others will be generous with us. Also, God will be generous with us. "What goes around comes around.“ "... forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us ..." If we forgive others, God will forgive us