+ Increasing Terrorism
+ Why do terrorists turn to violence? To intimidate a population into granting its demands Example: The Prophet Mohammed cartoons Danish newspaper printed cartoons depicting the Prophet Against Muslim tradition Allowed by free speech Example: Murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Serbian national murders the leader of Austria Starts WWI
+ Why has terrorism increased? More people on planet – more extremists Ted Kaczynski (Unibomber) More people with different ideas in close contact Think about USA (Branch Davidian’s in Waco) Popular culture overwhelming other cultures Al Qaeda Traditional role for women Get attention – “actions speak louder than words”
+ Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden Founded by Bin Laden Trained by CIA During Cold War fought to bring down Soviet regime in Afghanistan Learned effectiveness of guerilla warfare Saw how expensive a war could be for opposition Started “holy war” against US in 1996
+ Al Qaeda Organization Small leadership council Train and let loose Only general instructions given Small groups called cells will organize together Some money raised to assist terrorist activities How is the limited interaction between leadership and cells an advantage? A disadvantage? (for Al Qaeda/US officials) Based in religion – war with US based on, among other things, changing traditions Complicated for Muslims and non-Muslims – How?