The Temperance Movement By: Shakira Basby Chelsea Sawyer Lindsay Peavy
How it Began Hard-Drinkers 2 nd Great Awakening 18 th Amendment
WCTU Women's Christian Temperance Union Founded Stop Influence Community Sin Pledge
Reformers Susan B. Anthony Frances E. Willard Carry A. Nation
Susan B. Anthony Quaker Preachers- Corrupt things Conventions Back
Frances E. Willard WCTU 2 nd President Formed Worldwide W.C.T.U. Back
Carry A. Nation Very Religious Public Speaker Saloon Attacks “Hatchet Crusader” Back
Georgia State Temperance Society 1828 Baptist State Convention Augusta Atlanta
General Information English Colonies Sale Alcohol Definition President Woodrow Wilson
General Information Most Successful Reform Crusades View Propaganda
General Information Continued Children Lithograph
Sources d=h : America Past and Present, 8 th Edition, Divine, Breen, Fredrickson, Williams, Gross, Brands, social-movememts/what-was-temperance- movememt?print=1
Sources Continued The Conflict Between Man and Alcohol, Henry William Blair, 1888 The Cyclopedia of Temperance and Prohibition, Funk & Wagnalls, social-movememts/what-was-temperance- movememt?print=1