Next Steps Mock Up
Next Steps Study findings suggest that public library managers may want to: Identify your library’s capacity to perform specific roles. Understand local emergency management’s focus; Meet with local government & emergency management to determine role priorities and clarify responsibilities; Adopt best practices for each role chosen; Share your best practices; Implement actions from the To Do list this hurricane season. Signs on the door of a temporary Louisiana public library Credit: M. McKnight
[Links] Role: Identify roles that your public library has the capacity to play that aid in your community’s hurricane response efforts. What roles and practices can the library offer now. What are reasonable next steps for each role at what cost? [Roles: Link to slide 2 of the original mockup that lists the roles and provides links to them.] Focus: Consider taking online introductory FEMA NIMS training Consider IS-100a and IS For a more complete training list see or consider attending part of the Governors Hurricane Conference May Meet: Meet with local government and emergency management officials to determine community public library disaster role priorities. Consider using Make the Case [link to Safe Haven file by Ryan MakeTheCase.doc] Best: Practices: Review the best practices associated with each role identified here and elsewhere that improve your ability to meet your residents and evacuee needs. Share: Share the best practices you develop with fellow library responders using the project web site or this form or contact Joe Ryan [link to the blog or wiki or feedback form we adopt for the web To Do: [Link to Ryan file HurricaneToDo.doc]