Characterization Reeve, Summoner, Knight, Squire, Yeoman and Host Period 1
Knight Lines:43-80 Occupation: He was a veteran that he fought in Russia, Prussia, Lithuania, Granada, North Africa, Benamarin, and the Mediterranean coast. He also jousted for the king. Personality: He was wise, modest, and gentle. Words or Thoughts: Never used bad language Actions:Lines 52 He often sat on at the table in the chair of honor. He jousted for the king
Continue knight Appearance:Line 77 he wore a fustian tunic stained and dark with smudges where his armor had left a mark. He was old. Others’ reactions to him or her: He was respected by other people. Modern-day equivalent: Army veteran.
The Summoner Lines: Occupation: He drinks/ Alcoholic/ Town Drunk Personality: He drinks strong red wine. Loved garlic and onions. Words or Thoughts: “Questio quid juris”, meaning the question is, what part of the law applies? Line 662 Actions: He only speaks in Latin. Called out “Walter” better than the Pope. Appearance: Pimples, and red in the face. Narrow Eyes, thin beard, black scabby brows. Others’ Reactions to him or Her: Children are afraid of him. Modern-Day Equivalent: Barfly
Host Occupation: Host (rich) Lines: Personality: He is direct with people, wise and full of tact, he has a merry heart, he is a early bird. Words or Thoughts: He was wishing the pilgrims good luck in line 765. Actions: Proposes that all the pilgrims talk about themselves. Appearance: Eyes are bright, very striking. Others reaction to him: n/a Modern day Equivalent: A host at a hotel.
Squire Occupation : A Cadet Personality: A lot of spirit. Valient. Words or Thoughts: Actions: He Jousts, Agile and strong. Served in crusade. Trying to hit on a girl. Appearance: 20 Year old. Other’s Reactions to him: N/A Modern day Equivalent: Chris Kyle Lines:
Pilgrim-Reeve -Adam,Marco,William, and Ivy Lines Occupation- Carpenter/Farmer Personality- old and cleric, rich Words and thoughts- N/A Actions- He could judge by watching drought and rain, the yield he might expect from seed to grain.-line Appearance- line , line , line 637 Others reaction to him or her- N/A Modern Day Equivalent- N/A
Yeoman Lines Occupation: nobleman’s attendant Personality: protected the nobleman, skilled with a bow and arrow, well-equipped, traveler (medal of St. Christopher) Words or Thoughts: N/A Actions: dressed in his gear, held a mighty bow Appearance: “head like a nut, face was brown” (111), “wore his gear in yeoman style” (108) Others’ Reactions to Him: narrator thought of him as a proper forester Modern Day Equivalent: Robin Hood