BY: Litzy Ramirez RATTLERS!
FACTS ABOUT RATTLESNAKES! They have thick bodies. They shed several times a year. They have wide heads. When it hits its target the fangs sink in deep. They have cat-like eyes.Their bite is to painful for people and sometimes deadly. They eat mice, squirrels, rabbits, and birds sometimes. They have long fangs. Their skin stays attached to the end of the tail when they shed. When they don’t need their fangs they fold away. At the top of the rattle it is called the button.
AUTHOR’S OPINION Just sink your teeth into the real truth about these amazing reptiles.
MAIN IDEAS AND DETAILS They could be found on swamps. They could also live in deserts and rocky woodlands. They could live in southern Canada, Mexico, and South America. Rattlesnakes can live any where.