I’m an American Ambassador!
You will be representing your country abroad – don’t create a stereotype! You will also be representing your LC – every action has a consequence on the Host LC’s perception and opinion about future EPs of United States in general!
French people English People What about the others? South American People
What about Americans?
What kind of responsibility do I have towards US?
Ambassador Role Be aware that you are probably the first person that your hosts are going to meet from your country. They will tend to believe nearly everything you tell them about your country. If I tell my friends abroad that all Germans are living on trees, they will believe me. No? Okay let’s try it with, all German students are lazy and really drink a lot of beer, because this is German student culture, universities are very difficult in my country or teenagers start drinking alcohol at the age of 14. Although some things might be true for yourself, be aware that it can create or deepen prejudices.
Ambassador Role Being a good “ambassador” does not mean not talking about the bad sides of your culture and country. Be open-minded and try to answer questions. Be aware that presenting your country and culture has a very wide meaning, starting with formal presentations, discussions, country evenings and ending with your attitude, politeness and general behavior.
Be an US Ambassador Ask to yourself: What are the typical Stereotypes about US? What should we present about US culture? What should we be aware of?
And the most important part about being ambassador…
Knowledge of my Country As you will often be asked about your own country and culture, it is very helpful to have some knowledge about your own background. This is also important to be able to compare your home country with your host country. Some of these areas could be: Geography, being able to draw a map of your country History Political system, politics Economical situation Education and university system Food, traditions, songs in your language
Country Presentation In many almost all Local Committees trainees are expected to do a presentation of their culture and country. Therefore it is important to prepare yourself. What do I want to present? Do I want to deepen prejudice and stereotypes or do I want to work against them. What am I able to talk about? What is interesting for my audience? If you want to use a country presentation to really make your listeners learn something about your country and culture you have a very responsible task. Rather than focusing on numbers and facts, we recommend to speak about your personal environment, day to day life at home, differences you observed, hobbies, …
And Remember ….
A Stereotype is a standardization in a conventional form without individuality. It can lead to a prejudice, which is very negative.
A Prejudice is an opinion which is not based on experience or reason. A prejudice is considered negative and may not be related to any real facts.
Some tips about Stereotypes: Be aware of them they are descriptive you do not judge an individual on the basis of stereotypes they are only second best (personal experience is best) modify them on the basis of new experiences and observations
Remember! You’re there for a reason Be aware of your culture and your history Break the stereotypes! Ambassadorship goes both ways
Have a nice Experience!