Slide 1 –Katie- (explain timeline) The story of Yumi Ogawa Slide 2 –Hannah-My name is Yumi Ogawa, and I used to live, happily, in New York with my family. I was originally born in America, but my parents and grandparents came here from Japan. I lived with my two brothers, my sister, my parents, and my grandparents.
Slide 3-Katie-One day, the FBI came and told a lot of Japanese-Americans, including my family, that we had to go to separate internment camps. This meant that we would be taken from our homes, and we would be very far from our families. Slide 4-Hannah-An internment camp was a camp that Japanese-Americans were taken because we were considered dangerous.
Slide 5-Katie-We had to be taken to these camps because President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, on February 19, 1942, which stated that all people of Japanese ancestry had to be taken to these special camps because Americans were scared and angry that the Japanese bombed Pearl harbor. I was fifteen years old when I was taken to Tule Lake. Slide 6-Hannah-When I arrived at the internment camp, I kept hearing all of these radio reports that stated that a huge group of Japanese-Americans had been taken to different internment camps on a train. The reports said that we were the biggest group to be taken to an internment camp at one time.
Slide 7-Katie-Life in the internment camp was hard because of the crazy temperatures and the rattlesnakes. PODCAST SLIDE!-Hannah
Slide 8–Katie-I was released on March 20 th The camp closed on this day. REFLECTION SLIDE!!!!!!!!!-The war affected me by putting me in an internment camp, and having to live alone for the rest of my life. I don’t get why we were considered dangerous, when my family was just trying to make a new home in America. I have no idea if my family is still alive. Reflection Slide-Hannah- I’m sure it was this hard for the people affected by the bombings at Pearl Harbor, but at least they were forced to leave their homes to go to internment camps. It was hard to survive those four years spent in the camp, but I’m glad I kept going and am alive today.
End slide-Katie-THE END!