An Extended-Range Ethernet and Clock Distribution Circuit for Distributed Sensor Networks Kael Hanson, Thomas Meures, Yifan Yang Kael Hanson, Thomas Meures, Yifan Yang Interuniversity Insitute for High Energies (IIHE), Brussels Motivation : Detecting the GZK-flux ν EM cascade Radio-Cerenkov cone 37 stations Spacing: 2 km Depth under ice surface: 200 m Surface coverage: ~160 km 2 Ice thickness below: ~3000 m Each station: sub-firn antennas (sensitive between 250 and 800 MHz): 8 vertically polarized 8 horizontally polarized 4 calibration pulsers (v-pol + h-pol) X surface antennas Hpol Quad-slot antenna VSWR < 3 above 300MHz p ARA (THE ASKARYAN RADIO ARRAY ) The GZK-mechanism as a “guaranteed” neutrino source: Very few protons accelerated to UHE within GZK interaction length (most accelerators are further away from earth) →GZK-mechanism should lead to cutoff in the UHECR spectrum Cutoff confirmed by the Pierre AUGER Observatory Phys.Lett.B685: , 2010 Detection method: Emission of coherent radio waves from neutrino-induced EM-cascades (predicted by Askar’yan, 1962) Verified at SLAC in 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, , 2007 Reason: Radio waves have long attenuation length in ice (~800m), large volumes with small number of antennas The ARA collaboration BELGIUM: Univ. Libre de Bruxelles. GERMANY: Univ. of Bonn, Univ. of Wuppertal. JAPAN: Chiba university. TAIWAN: National Taiwan Univ.. UNITED KINGDOM: Univ. College London. USA: Ohio State Univ., Univ. of Delaware, Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of Kansas, Univ. of Maryland, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison. STATION CONTROLLER ANTENNA DDA (×4)DATA AND CLOCK DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SURFACE PROCESS SYSTEMDOWN-HOLE DIGITIZATION SYSTEM PHY RJ45 FPGA Data Cable driver Cable equalizer Clock conditioner Clock Standard cat5 cable (250meters) Cable driver FPGA Cable equalizer Clock conditioner 20 MHz clock Cable driver: Amplifying the incoming clock to transfer it 400 ps rise time, 25 ps output jitter 1 Vpp output Power consumption: 520 mW Cable equalizer: equalization DC restoration 750 mVpp output Power consumption: 255 mW Clock conditioner: Loop filtering Jitter cleaning Clock distribution 200 fs output jitter Power consumption: 578 mW 250 m CAT5 cable DescriptionMeanStd DevNumber of samples Period1, Ch150ns16ps Period2, Ch250ns27ps TIE1, Ch10s26ps TIE2, Ch20s50ps Skew1, Ch1, Ch2-8ns52ps IP-failure rate (down to -40°C)1.2E-8/32bits4.3E11 (72 hours) Power consumption~2.3W Precision of period shift between clocks Performance : Original clock: yellow Recovered clock: turquoise The challenge : Distance:250 meters Speed: O(10Mbits/s) Time precision : <50 ps Advantages: 4 pairs of differential signals Immunity to common mode noise Standard high speed protocol (10/100/1000Mbps) Disadvantage: Can’t support more than 100 meters (100 Base –T ) Increased signals jitter Standard cat5 twisted pairs FPGA PHY RJ45 ClockData DATA AND CLOCK DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM + With synchronized clock, stable connection can be established between two PHY via 250 meters cat5 cable. PHY 10/100 Mbits/s Ethernet phy, 25MHz input clock In current design: driven by 20MHz clock 8/80 Mbits/s Power consumption: 200 mW clock data Driver and PHYUse different pairs in one cat5 solution Future plan Optical data and clock distribution system (2.5Gbps)