Welcome back to Geocaching Day 2 Knapp PLC Reflection: Select One Explain to a friend, what geocaching is and why they would enjoy it. Explain to a teacher how they might use geocaching in their classroom.
Geocaching in the Classroom Using GPS and Geocaching in Education Dr. Alice Christie, TeacherTube.com
Challenge I
Nature Trail Investigation The superintendent of the Currituck County schools received notice of a grant opportunity this week. Mr. Warren met with Dr Doyle and decided to create an exploratory team.
Nature Trail Investigation The grant will provide funds to create a outdoor nature classroom and trail but the funds must be used over the next months.
Nature Trail Investigation The classroom must be located in a central location and have excellent parking. Grants will be awarded to those with the best ideas for including community resources and environmental education resources. Funds will also be available to train science and social studies teachers.
Nature Trail Investigation The land behind the ball parks is being considered for the outdoor classroom and nature trail. As a team, you are to investigate the property. Determine it’s natural resources and suitability. Determine what improvements (if necessary) must be made to create the outdoor classroom/trail. Use the camera to record pictures and make commentary.
Instructions Are any viable bridges still standing? Give coordinates. What problems may be encountered. List the area and coordinates.
Instructions Using the following coordinates, determine what plants, animals, rocks, minerals, etc are available: N 36º26.735’ W 076º00.987’ N 36º26.721’ W 076º01.015’ N 36º26.722’ W 076º01.026’
Product Create a map of the area Make a short movie depicting the area. As a group, prepare a short presentation to present your findings.