Overview and Strategic Direction Presenter: April Golden February 24, 2016
2 What is the Global Partnership for Education? GPE’s Strategic Plan Role in Education 2030 Agenda Session Objectives
What is the Global Partnership for Education? A multi-stakeholder partnership to galvanize global and national efforts for education A funding platform to support education planning and implementation in the poorest countries
Global Partnership for Education Founded as Education for All Fast Track Initiative in 2002 Global Partnership for Education since 2011 Independent Board, chaired by former Australian PM Julia Gillard CEO: Alice Albright Board constituencies represent all stakeholder categories Has allocated $4.3 billion since 2002
The Partnership 61 developing countries 21 donor countries international organizations CSOs/NGOs teachers associations foundations and private sector
6 At the global level: –Mobilize financing, –Improve international coordination, –Draw on the strengths of a broad multi-stakeholder partnership. At the country level the Partnership locks together: –Informed, quality sector planning –Improved policy dialogue and mutual accountability –Effective, results focused financing Provides grant resources to support What makes the Partnership unique?
GPE Strategy 2020
8 Vision Vision and Mission Inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. Mission The Global Partnership for Education mobilizes global and national efforts to contribute to achievement of equitable quality education and learning for all, through inclusive partnership, a focus on efficient and effective education systems, and increased financing for education.
Three Strategic Goals Goal 2: Increased Equity, Gender Equality and Inclusion for All Goal 2: Increased Equity, Gender Equality and Inclusion for All Goal 1: Improved and More Equitable Student Learning Outcomes through Quality Teaching and Learning Goal 1: Improved and More Equitable Student Learning Outcomes through Quality Teaching and Learning Goal 3: Effective and Efficient Educational Systems Goal 3: Effective and Efficient Educational Systems
10 1.Education is a public good, a human right and an enabler of other rights. It is essential for peace, tolerance, human fulfillment, and sustainable development. 2.Resources focused on learning, equity, and inclusion of the most marginalized, including those affected by fragility and conflict. 3.Promotion of gender equality. 4.Inclusive, evidence-based policy dialogue that engages civil society, teachers and the private sector. 5.Support linked to country ownership, nationally identified priorities, and country performance in achieving equity and learning. 6.Improved development effectiveness through harmonization and the use of modalities aligned to country systems. 7.Mutual accountability and increased transparency across the partnership. 8.Inclusive partnership as an effective means of achieving development results. Eight GPE Principles
Strengthen Sector Planning and Policy Implementation Strategic Objective #1 Support Mutual Accountability Through Effective and Inclusive Sector Policy Dialogue and Monitoring Strategic Objective #2 GPE Financing Efficiently and Effectively Supports the Implementation of Sector Plans Focused on Improved Equity, Efficiency and Learning Strategic Objective #3 GPE Country Level Strategic Objectives
More and Better Financing Strategic Objective #4 Building a Stronger Partnership Strategic Objective #5 GPE Global Level Strategic Objectives
GPE and Education 2030
SDG 4: “Inclusive, equitable, quality education for all by 2030” The Global Partnership supports the ambitious Education 2030 agenda – with adequate funding to deliver it. Reaching the most marginalized children is at the heart of the new education goal. Robust commitments are needed to finance SDG4 and fill $39 billion annual external financing gap. GPE’s inclusive partnership approach is an important foundation for coordinated action to achieve the SDGs.
GPE role in Education 2030 Agenda Named implementing and financing partner of agenda at World Education Forum, in Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and in Framework for Action Supporting global Financing Commission Working with UNESCO and developing country partners to align Education 2030 planning with existing sector planning process Advocacy and communications
Advocacy and GPE Civil Society Education Fund Utilizing social media platforms: /videos/ / /videos/ / Coordinating efforts and collaborating with key partners, including UNESCO
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