Grade 12 World Issues – Unit 3 – Hunger and Poverty Hunger Defined Index of Poverty Poverty in the World Canada and More Poverty Maslow
Diet is inadequate in food energy as measured by the number of calories consumed
What is Undernourished?
It is the “Hidden Hunger”
What is Micronutrient Deficiency?
It means poorly nourished.
What is Malnutrition?
300-kilocalorie deficit
What is a Severe Depth of Undernourishment?
Higher rates of illness and death, physical and/or mental underdevelopment, lack of energy for daily tasks, and social stigma and fewer economic opportunities
What are some of the general outcomes of chronic malnutrition?
The condition in which humans have inadequate access to sanitation, clean water and basic education.
What is Human Poverty?
A person is poor in comparison to other members of their society.
What is Relative Poverty?
A threshold used in Canada that is the average amount a family or individual spends on food, clothing and shelter.
What is Low Income Cut-off?
The level of income below which one cannot afford to purchase all the resources one requires to live.
What is Absolute Poverty?
Persons who are poor when they have a low level of financial income relative to the cost of living.
What is Income Poverty?
This is Level 1 where it is needs for survival such as food and water.
What is Physiological?
What is the number of levels in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
This is Level 4 where the person seeks recognition from others
What is Ego?
This is Level 3 in which the person identifies with a successful team.
What is Social?
The upper level represents “what each one of us was born to do.”
What is Self-Actualization?
The quantity of good and services consumed by a person or a group.
What is Standard of Living?
A composite measure of three areas of human well-being and progress.
What is Human Development Index (HDI)?
The number of individuals whose wealth exceeds the combined GDP of the 48 least developed countries.
What is three?
The estimated number of people living on less than $2/day.
What is 3 billion?
A composite measure of three areas of human well-being and progress that also includes the differences between men and women.
What is Gender Development Index?
What is the average daily caloric intake of Canadian?
The degree of well being felt by a person or group of persons
What is Quality of Life?
This type of hunger is sudden, local and sporadic. It often results in death.
What is Famine?
This type of hunger may go unnoticed. It is ongoing and constant. It can lead to other health problems.
What is Chronic Persistent Hunger?
Nearly 40% of these Canadians use food banks
What are children?