Used to show status in court Worn in Shakespeare’s plays to copy elite Excessive colors, padding, jewels Garments were stiff for men and women
Laced from head to toe Upper class needed assistance to dress Men padded their clothing on chest, legs, arms Used wool, hair, rags, grain Chest piece called a doublet Pants were called hose(what we call pantaloons) they were heavy because they were stuffed Silk stockings worn, attached to hose
Underneath clothes was framework of whale- bone and wire to give shape When dress was complete all semblance of human form had disappeared Dresses were in straight lines and sharp angles Women piled hair high on head or wore wigs – hair was very valuable
Bear Baiting Cock-Fighting Falconry
Hurling Battledore - (similar to tennis) Hopscotch Many games they played for fun are Similar to games We still play today Like tennis, hopscotch, or shot put.
People in the Elizabethan Times had three meals a day – Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper. Breakfast consisted of: - Manchets = round loaf that weighed six pounds after cooking - Eggs (scrambled!) - Pancakes - Water and milk
Dinner (a.k.a. lunch!) Lasted 2 to 3 hours Fish, meats, fruits, vegetables Meats Roast beef, veal, mutton, turkey, partridge, pheasants, quails, rabbits Bad meat buried underground to make it sweet Vegetables Artichokes, turnips, peas, olives Lower class ate roots, leaves, seeds, nuts berries soaked in cold water
No napkins used – must have clean hands! Poking at foods was considered very rude Delicate burp at the end of the meal was allowed!