The Curriculum Framework (1997) Subject Targets To think and communicate To acquire, develop and apply knowledge To respond and give expression to experience Interpersonal dimension target Experience dimension target Learning Objectives: Forms & Functions Skills & Strategies Attitudes Knowledge dimension target
The Curriculum Framework (2003) Subject targets To think and communicate To acquire, develop and apply knowledge To respond and give expression to experience 9 Generic Skills Values and Attitudes Interpersonal strand Knowledge strand Learning Objectives:Forms & Functions Skills & Strategies Attitudes Flexible and diversified modes of curriculum planning + Effective learning, teaching and assessment strategies Experience strand
New emphases Exposing learners to rich learning experiences Adopting a task-based approach Catering for learner diversity Promoting learner independence Developing a ‘ reading to learn ’ culture Promoting assessment for learning
Flexible use of textbook & greater diversity of resources Thematic modules for integrated work More focus on reading More use of language arts activities and open-ended tasks More focus on student work Less emphasis on formal dictation Changes are taking place ……
…… but more can be done Connectivity, continuity, part to whole Scaffolding of tasks Match between teaching and testing Marking criteria, effective feedback De-skill? Re-skill?
The Power of 1. a balanced curriculum…… Targets: knowledge, interpersonal, experience & Learning Objectives Skills, values & attitudes …. vertical /horizontal development Part to whole
The Power of …. 2. diversities / variation + integration approaches, tasks, activities, materials, language skills ….. Integrative language use Communicative purposes A range of forms & functions, skills & strategies, values & attitudes Coherence
Textbook (framework/ context/ language focus) Curriculum Restructuring & Integration Curriculum Restructuring & Integration Activities / tasks Games …….. Other resources: Supplementary / Grammar / Phonics worksheets ….. Big Books Small readers Poems / Plays Reading / Listening materials…. input guided writing / free writing / reading aloud / reading interest / radio play / project……. output intellectual development life experiences aesthetic experiences authentic and meaningful use of language
3. spiral learning / recycling vertical continuity across levels (explicit curriculum organization) language & skills, modules input & output SCAFFOLDING The Power of build on prior knowledge / experience --- extension
1. CECES 2. NET 3. LLSS 4. SBCDP Different support & resources available ….. Key features & focuses differences & similarities Q: Why do we need so much support? language environment, expectations of language standard, transfer ………
1. management / allocation of resources / division of labor 2. teacher training / readiness / needs 3. student learning: -rich experiences - connectedness of learning experiences - vertical continuity Key considerations:
1. Are teachers ready to take in different initiatives? 2. How are the teachers going to cohere them (within one level & across levels)? 3. How do the students make connections among different initiatives? 4. How do the students move across different levels? 5.Who should make the decision? Did you ask …..