1 Project 4: Palindrome Detector
2 Assignment Write a C++ program that reads a line of text from the keyboard and reports to the user whether the text is a palindrome. A palindrome is a sequence of letters that is the same from end to beginning as from beginning to end. The program should ignore all characters that are not letters, and should consider upper case and lower case letters as matching. Program terminates after outputting result.
Sample Runs
66 Ground Rules You may work with one other person. OK to work alone if you prefer. If you do work as a pair Both members are expected to contribute. Submit a single program. Both members should understand the program in detail. Do not share your work with other students. Before or after submitting the project. OK to discuss the project. Do not copy any other student’s work. Don’t look at anyone else’s program.
7 Ground Rules Except for code posted on the class web site Do not copy code from the Internet or any other source. Write your own code.
88 Submission Project is due by midnight, Tuesday night, Feb 15. Deliverables: Source code only. Zip your source code files using the Windows “Send to Compressed Folder” command. Submit the zipped file via Blackboard Assignments. If you work with another student, include both names in the assignment comments. Other student submit assignment with just a Blackboard comment including both names. End of Presentation