The Interrogative Pronoun = Introduces a question English MasculineFeminineNeuter Nominative whowhowhat Genitivewhose/whose/of whatof whom Dativeto/for whomto/for whomto/for what Accusativewhomwhomwhat Ablativewhomwhomwhat (Pages 92 – 93)
Who is your friend?Who = Nominative subject Whose book is that?Whose = Genitive of Possession To whom did you give the gift? To whom = Dative Indirect Object Whom did you see in the park?Whom = Accusative Direct Object With whom were you walking to school?With whom = Ablative of Accompaniment In English the Interrogative Pronoun uses the same words for the both the singular and the plural. e.g. who = singular or plural Who is your friend?Who are your friends?
The Interrogative Pronoun = Introduces a question Latin MasculineFeminineNeuter Nominative quis whoquis whoquid what Genitivecujus whose/cujus whose/cujus of whatof whom Dativecui to/for whomcui to/for whomcui to/for what Accusativequem whomquem whomquid what Ablativequo whomquo whomquo what Nominative qui whoquae whoquae what Genitivequorum whose/quarum whose/quorum of whatof whom Dativequibus to/for whomquibus to/for whomquibus to/for what Accusativequos whomquas whomquae what Ablativequibus whomquibus whomquibus what
The Interrogative Adjective = which/what introduces a question and modifies a noun Which girl is walking toward you? Which girl = Nominative subject Of which provinces were they masters? Of which provinces = Genitive of possession To which man did you give the horse? To which man = Dative Indirect Object What reward do you want? What reward = Accusative Direct Object With which men were you fighting? With which men = Ablative of Accompaniment
The Interrogative Adjective = which/what introduces a question and modifies a noun Latin MasculineFeminineNeuter Nominative quiquaequod Genitivecujus cujus cujus Dativecui cui cui Accusativequem quam quod Ablativequo quaquo Nominative quiquae quae Genitivequorum quarum quorum Dativequibus quibus quibus Accusativequos quasquae Ablativequibus quibus quibus which/what