© Crown copyright DOM-EN Mathematics Using Assessing pupils' progress (APP) to support the teaching and learning of mathematics
© Crown copyright DOM-EN Assessment Formal recognition of achievement Reported to parents or carers and next teacher or school May use tests or tasks from national sources Transitional (public view) Broader view of progress for teacher and learner Use of national standards in the classroom Improvements to curriculum planning Periodic (standing back) Assessment for learning Peer- and self-assessment Child engagement and immediate feedback Day-to-day (close-up view)
© Crown copyright DOM-EN APP process Teachers select a sample of children. Each term, they review the full range of evidence (written, spoken and observed) for each assessment focus. They select the appropriate level boundary and use the Assessment guidelines sheet to arrive at judgements. Standards files include annotated examples of children’s work to provide reference points for teachers.
© Crown copyright DOM-EN APP process Collect children’s work demonstrating independence and choice, along with any other evidence or notes. In this meeting, staff will use David’s training file. Identify the level borderline guidance that is to be used for the assessment. For David, use the level 2-3 guidelines. Look through the work for each assessment focus (AF) and highlight the applicable criteria. Consider which level offers the best fit and tick the appropriate level-related box for each AF. Make an overall level judgement.
© Crown copyright DOM-EN Highlighting the criteria Begin with the assessment guidelines for Ma2, Number, at the same time looking for any Ma1 evidence. Look at the criteria within each AF. Decide which level best describes David’s attainment. Record the level for each AF in the appropriate box. If you do not know enough about this aspect of the child’s mathematics to make a judgement, record ‘insufficient evidence’ (IE). Note any implications for planning.
© Crown copyright DOM-EN When making a judgement Think about: how much of the level is covered by the evidence how consistently the evidence applies to the criteria the extent to which the evidence shows any independence and choice on the part of David the range of contexts covered by the evidence.
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