1 City of Hartford Municipal Employees’ Retirement Fund Overview Presented By: Treasurer Adam M. Cloud City of Hartford - MERF
2 Municipal Employee Retirement Fund “MERF” Defined benefit pension plan, funded by City contributions, employee contributions and the returns from investments Trust fund separate from the City – assets are held for the benefit of plan participants City Treasurer and Pension Commission have fiduciary duties of care, loyalty and prudence re: MERF assets Approximately 5,381 participants Assumed annual rate of return on investments: 7.75% Actual net return on investments since inception: 8.4% City of Hartford - MERF
3 Municipal Employee Retirement Fund “MERF” City of Hartford - MERF
4 Municipal Employee Retirement Fund “MERF” City of Hartford - MERF
5 Municipal Employee Retirement Fund “MERF” City of Hartford - MERF
6 Municipal Employee Retirement Fund “MERF” City of Hartford - MERF
7 Municipal Employee Retirement Fund “MERF” City of Hartford - MERF
8 Municipal Employee Retirement Fund “MERF” Hartford MERF: 2015 Asset Allocation Current Target vs. 60:40 portfolio City of Hartford - MERF
9 Municipal Employee Retirement Fund “MERF” Asset Allocation Detail – As of January 31, 2015 City of Hartford - MERF