- Area that drains into a body of water - Provides habitat, drinking water, irrigation, etc - Water carries sediment, nutrients, chemicals, etc - Problems are often from upstream Includes: Rivers/streams, Lakes, Wetlands, Aquifers Divided into watersheds
Big Sioux Watershed
Missouri River Watershed
Missouri River Lake Oahe Lake Sharp Lake Francis Case Lewis and Clark Lake
Rivers and Streams “East Rivers” Big Sioux Vermilion James
“West Rivers” White Grand Cheyenne Moreau Bad
Run Riffle Pool Rivers and Streams - smooth flowing section of a river - rough part of river sometimes known as rapids - standing section of water usually at a bend in a river
Small streams Located in heavily wooded areas CPOM – Course Particulate Organic Matter –leaves, trees, etc –The “cracker” Bacteria –The “peanut butter” “Shredders” First Order Stream
Shredders – feed on leaf litter (cracker) –G–Get nutrients from bacterial film (peanut butter) Collectors –g–grab things from the water as it floats by Grazers –F–Feed on algae Predators –F–Feed on other invertebrates SPECIES Invertebrates
Birds SPECIES Vertebrates
Fish SPECIES Vertebrates
SPECIES Vertebrates
An area where sand and sediments have built up Usually located along river edges –Submerged –Above surface Valuable nesting area Constantly changing with river –floods Sand Bars
Pallid Sturgeon SPECIES Endangered
Least tern SPECIES Endangered
Piping plover SPECIES Endangered
Low head dams
Hoover Dam
Wildlife corridor Fish Ladder