Applying for the VT Multi- Sector General Permit Step 2. Does my facility need a Permit? To complete Step 2, you will need to know: Your facility’s SIC Code
Coverage Under the MSGP Your facility is required to seek coverage under the MSGP if: Your primary activity is not listed in Table D-1 but you have one of the following activities on site: –Activities listed in Table 1-1 of the MSGP –Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage or Disposal Facilities –Landfills, Land Application Sites and Open Dumps that receive or have received industrial wastes –Steam Electric Power Generating Facilities –Sewage Treatment Works with a design flow of >1MGD The SIC code for your facility’s primary activity is listed in Table D-1 (in Appendix D of the MSGP). OR
Table D-1 Table D-1 lists SIC Codes in the left column. SIC Codes are not in numerical order. Look for your business activity and SIC code to determine if you must seek coverage. Table D-1
Determine which group, or sector, your facility belongs to. Sectors are identified by a letter. SIC Codes Refer to Section 4 of the general permit to learn more about your sector’s requirements.
Summary If your SIC code is listed in Table D-1 then you must apply for coverage under the MSGP. Your facility’s sector will also be identified by looking at Table D-1.
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